  • 期刊


Effects of Experiential Learning Theory in the Simulation Experience Course for Nursing Students




This article describes the application of Kolb's experiential learning theory to the design of the nursing simulation experience course, which generates and induces the learner to have realistic perceptions when interacting with the environment. Empathy is the ability of an individual to feel the emotional state and experience the emotional experience of others. Experiential learning theory has four stages, namely concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation, which together constitute the learning circle. Experiential learning is a continuous experience-based process that promotes the learning outcomes of learners and makes the learning process more complete and comprehensive. This happens by forming concepts through processing and continual modification through experience. The student nurses provided positive feedback after learning and realized the profound impact of pregnancy, learned the appropriate methods to interact with pregnant women and became more sympathetic toward pregnant women. Consequently, student nurses learned through reflection and unraveled how to create a friendly environment and improve safety for pregnant women. Nursing emphasizes health care rather than on disease treatment. Cultivating empathy among nursing students to help them understand the physical condition of the patient to provide sensitive individual care and enhance the appropriateness of the care provided. Cultivating empathy is a part of being valued in developing education, and it is impossible to satisfy the simple narrative.


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