  • 期刊




本研究主要針對臺灣三個縣市單位(臺北市、新北市、金門縣)共計約38,838株行道樹、2,212株受保護樹以非破壞性檢測導入調查並進行都市林管理之分析,擬定標準作業程序,期望透過科學化之經驗導入以適合未來各行政單位之都市林經營者做為參考之依據。2015年立法院修正通過森林法第38條之2,促使現階段各地方單位均開始強化行道樹與受保護樹木之調查與監測,本研究主要針對行道樹與受保護樹木之資訊管理系統建立,透過先進遙測技術於生態綠廊樹籍普查之應用,另一方面針對受保護樹木非破壞性檢測與風險評估等進行探討。金門縣兩期所調查之24,209株行道樹與152株珍貴樹木資訊均放至於金門縣珍貴樹木暨行道樹管理資訊系統,透過行道樹暨珍貴樹木資料庫進行詮釋資料儲存,而使用者可透過資訊查詢系統、行道樹暨珍貴樹木管理系統及WEB GIS進行相關資訊查詢,後臺可讓管理者進行資料編輯與更新。臺北市受保護樹木經調查後,顯示很健康等級共有192株(10.32%)、健康等級有1,350株(72.58%)、產生劣化有162株(8.71%)、不健康等級有10株(0.54%)、即將死亡或缺少大部分葉子24株(1.29%)、死亡66株(3.55%)、56株(3.01%)屬於消失,無法判斷其是否死亡,依據本次調查資料顯示受保護樹木屬健康等級以上之比例占82.90%;風險等級則包括未有立即處理之立木、高度風險有34株(1.83%)、中度風險有370株(19.89%)、低風險有703株(37.80%)及微量風險有631株(33.92%)、死亡有66株(3.55%),且56株(3.01%)屬於消失無法判斷其是否死亡,依據本次調查資料顯示,受保護樹木屬於中度風險程度以上之比例占21.64%(404株),必須縮短其監測時間。如以受保護樹木風險程度與附近人類活動量,進行交叉比對,其中被判定為中度風險以上數量為404株,而其中有59株(14.7%)屬於每小時少1人接觸之受保護樹木,此類高風險但位處於較少人為活動之保護樹木,其在管理上可視為較低風險的狀態,而當受保護樹在健康度高風險的情況下且具有高人為活動時,此種受保護樹必須列為優先處理的對象。研究結果顯示,先進調查技術確實可快速、準確進行受保護樹木與行道樹之調查,但後續監測工作更為重要,透過調查所發現之產生劣化與不健康之林木,應當縮短監測間隔時間,並可藉由各種保(防)護措施使其恢復健康狀態。


光達系統 林木健康 都市林


This study focused on urban forest management systems and the use of new techniques on urban forest investigations such as non-destructive tests on protected trees. The study investigated a total of 38,838 street trees and 2,212 protected trees in three counties in Taiwan. In 2015, article 38-2 of The Forestry Act was amended to promote investigation and monitoring of street and protected trees. The two-stage street trees survey of Kinmen County including information on 24,209 trees and 152 valuable tree were registered in the Kinmen County valuable trees and street trees administrative system. Through the system, administrators can edit, upgrade and store metadata. Also, users can query the information in WEB GIS. After surveying the protected trees in Taipei City, the results show that there were 192 healthiest trees (10.32%), 1,350 healthy ones (72.58%), 162 deteriorating ones (8.71%), 10 unhealthy ones (0.54%), 24 mostly dead ones (1.29%), 66 dead ones (3.55%), and also 56 disappeared ones which cannot be tracked (3.01%). According to this investigation, 82.90% of the protected trees was in healthy level. Risk levels include those unprocessed trees, of which, 34 were of high risk level (1.83%), 370 of medium risk level (19.89%), 703 were of low risk level (37.80%), 631 were of minor risk level (33.92%), there were also 66 dead trees (3.55%), and 56 disappeared trees, which we cannot determine their status. In this investigation, protected trees in Taipei City include 404 trees (21.64%), which are more than the medium risk level and need to shorten their monitoring period. We cross-compared the protected trees with the civilian activities to determined the correct amounts (404 stems). Among these, there are 59 trees that have fewer people contacts Therefore, their risk level dropped to low risk level. Whereas the high risk level trees with intense civilian activities should be dealt with as the high priority ones for them to remain safe for people's ambiance. The results showed that the new techniques could swiftly and accurately obtain information on urban forests. However, it is necessary to monitor unhealthy or diseased trees in short intervals. Based on the results, we've created a standard operation procedure for the investigation of urban forests for future application and reference.
