  • 期刊

BL(Boys' Love)閱讀的「治癒感」及其發生情境

The Perceptions of "Healing" in BL (Boys' Love) Reading and the Situational Triggers


BL(Boys' Love,或稱「耽美」)是近年在台灣深受女性喜愛的文類。本研究從讀者反應理論的視角出發,以紮根理論法分析22位女性BL讀者的閱讀經驗,探討女性從BL獲得的「治癒感」及其發生情境。分析結果顯示,讀者的治癒感可分為三大類:被故事情感表現誘發的治癒感(甜蜜感、溫馨感、因痛而生的快樂感);被故事情節或角色特徵觸發的治癒感(紓解感、撫慰感、圓滿感、歡樂感、愛憐感);因視覺或聽覺刺激而生的治癒感(陶醉感和溫暖感)。而治癒感的發生情境概可分成四種:文本特徵呼應讀者戀愛經驗、文本特徵呼應讀者生命經驗、文本特徵使讀者感覺柔和、二次衍生創作延伸原作閱讀樂趣等。文末並探討BL閱讀的療癒意義及本文分析取徑對讀者研究之貢獻。


BL 愉悅閱讀 療癒閱讀 女性閱讀


Boys' Love (BL) is a fiction genre now enjoying high visibility and popularity among the young women in Taiwan. Inspired by the reader response theory, this study adopted a grounded theory approach to analyze female readers' perception of "healing" generated from BL reading. Based on the in-depth interviews with 22 readers, this study revealed three types of "healing" perception and four types of situations that prompted the emergence of the feelings. The three types of "healing" perception included the perceptions induced from the descriptions of interpersonal relations in the stories (i.e., the feeling of sweetness from reading about romantic love, coziness from reading about family love and friendships, and the pain and joy of looking back at the self's past), perceptions triggered by storylines or story characters (i.e., feeling relieved, feeling soothed, feeling of completion and satisfaction, feeling hilarious, feeling pampering toward story characters), and perceptions triggered by visual or audio sensations. The four types of situations for the emergence of the healing perception included the matching of textual characteristics and readers' romantic experiences, the matching of textual characteristics and readers' life experiences, an atmosphere of tenderness and softness induced by textual characteristics, and the reading of derivative creation based on other popular original fiction works that bring about satisfaction and completion. Based on the findings, this paper further discusses on the significance of the healing effects generated from everyday pleasure reading as well as the contribution of the analysis approach used in this study for future genre reading research.


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批踢踢實業坊(2015)。批踢踢實業坊BL版。檢索自talent://ptt.cc【PTT. (2015). PTT-BL. Retrieved from talent://ptt.cc (in Chinese)】
