  • 期刊


One Stereotype, Two Diverse Policies: Comparing Taiwan and China's "Gods of Agriculture" in Africa




This paper analyzes how "Gods of Agriculture" in Taiwan and China's aid discourses reveal policies and racial stereotype. Before the 1980s, China emphasized on Africa's deep adoration for selfless agricultural aid. However, after the economic reform, China mixed in aid with investment, which not only improved aid efficiency, but also strengthened Chinese investment in Africa. Therefore, contemporary discourses become one of Africa's adoration of Chinese agri-businesses. In contrast to China's hybrid aid policies, Taiwan's aid still maintains a non-profit model since half century ago, so discourses in Taiwan have been all about Africa's deep adoration of selfless aid. The author argues that to improve aid efficiency and to prepare for the next diplomatic challenge from China, Taipei should consider aid reform by following Beijing's model.


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