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Developing the Core Competencies in Pediatric Occupational Therapy for Occupational Therapy Students in Taiwan: A Pilot Study


職能治療教育以培養具備知識、技能、與態度的職能治療師為目的。而在兒童職能治療專業教育上,核心能力之發展對於課程規劃及相關臨床能力評量至為重要,但台灣目前仍未有相關文獻,故本研究旨在建構臺灣兒童職能治療教育之核心能力。首先,3位職能治療學系教師及5位資深兒童職能治療師組成專家會議,建構出「職能治療學生必備之兒童職能治療相關臨床核心能力問卷」。然後,招募來自11家醫院、共74位兒童職能治療師協助填寫問卷。最後,4位職能治療學系教師及6位資深兒童職能治療師整合國內外相關文獻及問卷結果,發展出臺灣職能治療學生兒童領域六大核心能力。其中參考之國內外相關文獻涵蓋職能治療實務架構第三版(Occupational therapy practice framework: domain and process, 3rd ed., OTPF-3)、世界職能治療師聯盟(World Federation of Occupational Therapists, WFOT)之職能治療師教育最低建議標準,歐美等國家的職能治療師核心能力,臺灣及美國的醫學系核心能力及臺灣早療醫療機構督導考核標準等。六大核心能力包括知識、技能、臨床推理、專業態度、專業發展、及管理、政策、推廣。此核心能力可作規劃教學及臨床實習時之參考,亦可依據此核心能力發展出臨床能力評量工具,以確保學生成為符合社會期待的專業兒童職能治療師。


Occupational therapy (OT) education aims to foster qualified occupational therapists equipped with knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Developing core competencies in pediatric OT education is critical for design of the curriculum and related assessment tools of clinical abilities. However, there is a paucity of literature on this issue in Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to develop the core competencies in pediatric OT in Taiwan. First, an expert committee composed of 3 OT faculty members and 5 senior occupational therapists developed the "questionnaire of core competencies in pediatric OT for OT students". Then, 74 pediatric occupational therapists from 11 hospitals were recruited to fill out the questionnaire. Finally, another expert committee, including 4 OT faculty members and 6 senior occupational therapists, integrated related literature and results of questionnaires to develop six core competencies. The reviewed literature included the occupational therapy practice framework: domain and process, 3^(rd) ed. (OTPF- 3), World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT) minimum standards for the education of occupational therapists, the core competencies of occupational therapists in some countries of Europe and America, and the core competencies for medical students in Taiwan and the United States. Six developed core competencies were knowledge, skills, clinical reasoning, professional attitude, professional development, and management, policy, and promotion. These core competencies can be used in development of curriculum and assessment tools of clinical abilities, which would be beneficial for fostering qualified pediatric occupational therapists.
