

目標:我們針對在馬偕醫院陰莖折斷的病人,對於陰莖折斷的原因和癒後做回溯性的研究。 材料和方法:在一個七年的回溯性的研究中發現13位(14次陰莖折斷)陰莖折斷的病人。所有病人都經由詳細的問診和理學檢查後診斷為陰莖折斷。對於懷疑有尿道損傷的病人皆會施行逆行性尿道攝影。在一年後追蹤勃起功能國際評量指標。 結果:發現兩種不常見陰莖折斷的原因。有兩位病人(3次陰莖折斷)是因為練習九九神功造成的。一位病人是因為在睡覺中翻身壓到勃起的陰莖造成的。九位病人接受手術治療,四位病人因為拒絕接受手術而採取保守治療。平均追蹤時間為18.9個月。一年後追蹤的平均勃起功能國際評量指標分數為22.5。兩位採取守治療的病人發生併發症。一位病人抱怨勃起時彎曲而另外一位病人有輕度的勃起功能障礙。所有病人皆沒有排尿的異常症狀。 結論:九九神功和睡覺中翻身壓到勃起的陰莖是造成陰莖折斷不常見的原因。陰莖彎曲和勃起功能障礙是接受保守治療的病人可能產生的併發症。手術會得到較好的癒後。


陰莖 受傷 手術


OBJECTIVES: We retrospectively reviewed the causes and outcomes of penile fracture cases in Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taiwan. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This retrospective study covered a period of 7 years. In total, 13 patients (14 fracture episodes) presented with penile fracture during that time. All patients were diagnosed with penile fracture after careful clinical history-taking and a physical examination. In patients with suspected urethral injury, retrograde urethrocystography was performed. The Five-Item Version of the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) score was determined at the 1-year follow-up. RESULTS: Two unusual causes were identified. Two patients' injuries (3 fractures) were attributed to chiu chiu shen gong (a kind of the qigong exercise in which a heavy material is carried in a sling attached to the penis). One fracture was caused by rolling over the erect penis during sleep. Nine patients received an operation, and 4 patients refused an operation and were treated conservatively. The mean follow-up time was 18.9 months. At the 1-year follow-up, the mean IIEF-5 score was 22.5. Two patients experienced complications after conservative treatment. One patient complained of deviation during erection, and the other complained of mild erectile dysfunction (IIEF-5:19). None of the patients had micturition problems. CONCLUSIONS: Chiu chiu shen gong and rolling over the erect penis are 2 uncommon causes of penile fracture. Erectile dysfunction and deviation during erection are possible complications in patients receiving conservative treatment. Surgical intervention yields better results for treating penile fracture.


penis injury surgery
