  • 期刊


Moving House: The Relational-Materialistic Aspect of Queer Cultural Citizenship




Over the past decade, two competing models have gained increasingly stronger currency in the field of queer studies: the model of globalization (or that of transnationalism) and the model of cultural citizenship. While problematizing the Euro-centric tendency inherent in the globalization scheme, the cultural citizenship model essentializes nonetheless a sense of ”cultural belonging” which is nearly irreplaceable for any ”cultural queer.” In the field of China Studies, scholars have prioritized unanimously the over-determining efficacy of ”the family” (or ”patrilineal ideology”) in molding queer identities. While recognizing the significance of patrilineal regulation in producing both straight and gay subjectivities in Chinese society, this paper is meant to be a critique of the family model as mentioned above. Based on ethnographic research with Taiwan's ”first generation of lesbians” (i.e., lesbians growing up during the first decade of post-WWII era), it examines the material base upon which a typical Taiwanese family can be constructed-an analytical aspect that has been generally overlooked by queer and China scholars alike. It also takes into analysis the specific historical and political context of the 1950s to the 1970s-a period of time that is now commonly termed that of ”White Terror” which penalized, among other things, transgender acts and cross-dressing.


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