  • 期刊

Overview of Extremity Replantation in Taiwan by the National Health Insurance Database from 1996 to 2000



本報告是第一篇關於台灣全部人口斷肢再植手術的流行病學報告。研究材料來自1996至2000年的健保局臨床研究資料庫(NHIRD)。在1:20抽樣的住院資料中,根據ICD術式碼與詳細醫令碼(CPT CODES)各得到368與236病例。 77.1%及 14.0%的病例各接受單指與二指的再植手術。一至四指手術的平均時間各是3.9,5.5,7.9及10.2小時。醫學中心的平均住院日數,手術及全部醫療費用各12.5天,$45,585與$125,660;其他醫院則為9.9天,$36,786至$38,962以及$60,845至$71,838(新臺幣)。 報告中強調醫療費用的變異性大,無法單由病人或醫院的基本資料,或是斷指的肢數解釋。這些資料對於將來的臨床研究或政策制定者都有參考價值。




This study is the first epidemiological report of limb replantation surgery concerning the whole population of Taiwan. The materials are based on the 1:20-sampled National Healthcare Insurance (NHI) Research Database from 1996 to 2000.368 and 236 patients were extracted from the hospitalization datasets, based on the ICD procedure codes and the detailed medical orders respectively. 77.1% and 14.0% of cases received one-and two-digital replantation. The average operating times are 3.9, 5.5, 7.9, and 10.2 hours from one- to four- digit replantations. Average length of hospital stay, surgical and total fees were 12.5 days, $48,585, and $125,660 in medical centers, in comparison with 9.9 days, $36,786-$38,962, and $60,845 to $71,838 (all in NT dollars) in other hospitals. The wide variations of fees could not be explained simply by the demographic characteristics of patients and hospitals, or by the number of digits involved. These data provided reference for further clinical researchers and policy makers.
