  • 期刊


Greed and Obsession?-On Pushkin's《The Queen of Spades》




普希金 黑桃皇后 賭博


《The Queen of Spades》, which was first published in 1834, is generally considered to be one of the most significant works of Pushkin's; it is also one of the most frequently written about. With brief narration and concise structure, Pushkin created the protagonist who has strong passions and vivid imagination-Germann. Germann is a gambler at heart who dreams to win his fortune and attain happiness by playing cards. By hook or by crook he manages to finagle the secret of the cards form the old Countess, but scares her to death by threatening her with an unloaded pistol. His sense of guilt at the death of the old Countess is pushed into his subconscious. Thus, he makes the fatal mistake at the end of confusing the queen of spades with an ace. Starting out with a small capital, and risking everything, at last he loses everything. Overwhelmed by the insanity of greed, he loses his mind and never obtains the peace and independence for which he yearns. Though ironic, what happens to Germann is also commiserable.


Pushkin The Queen of Spades gambling


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