

「健康識能」,根據世界衛生組織(WHO) 所做出之定義,便是指當個人在採取健康促進行動時所具備的健康知識以及實行應用的能力,而健康識能的低落與不足則是全球性之問題。健康識能,並不只是單純的大量蒐集健康資訊,而是在取得知識後,以邏輯思考的方式去理解其內容與說明、判斷正確性、進行查證、最後以實際的行動來做出因應與實踐。本文旨在探討臺北市立聯合醫院身為市立醫院,在提高國民健康水準為前提之健康識能的運用現況。並以包含了領導、醫院管理、服務、技術種類、溝通、便民、多元媒體、風險評估、花費、勞動力與人力資源等十項不同之層面來分析北市聯醫於健康識能推廣上之現況以及未來之期許。北市聯醫運用提升健康識能來強化國民自我健康照護以及促進之功效,讓珍貴的醫療資源可被運用在刀口上,達成預防病人、家屬、醫療團隊、乃至整個社會受苦的健康觀念。


According to the definition of World Health Organization, "health literacy" represents knowledge of health possessed by an individual and the capability to implement the knowledge when adopting health promotion actions. Different from the general health education, health literacy of an individual does not simply motivate one in searching massive health information, but is also a logic thinking to understand the contents, judge the correctness, investigate and confirm, and finally respond and implement with actions. Low health literacy is a global issue that leads to negative health outcomes worldwide. The purpose of this study was to determine the current health literacy promotion status of Taipei City Hospital, and 10 different aspects were analyzed. The Taipei City Hospital contributes its effort in the promotion of health literacy and strengthen citizen effectiveness in self healthcare and health promotion. As a result, medical resources may be used more effectively because people have the ability to find the accurate information to maintain their health, and take it into action. As long as the medical resources are used in the right place, the burden on families, medical teams, and the society can be reduced.


