  • 期刊


China as an Access to Desire: Cultural Hegemony of Capitalism in Taiwan




This paper combines Gramsci's theory of cultura l hegemony with Foucault's concept of governmentality to analyze how in Taiwan cultural hegemony is constructed. According to this paper, even though on the surface of Taiwanese politics and society the pro-independence green Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the pro-unification blue party Kuomintang (KMT) seem to be the main contesters striving for hegemonic control, but that in fact none of them will ever be able to achieve this. The reason for this inability results from another postcolonial influence; western (especially United States) capitalist thought, which has created a mode of thought that goes beyond the independence versus unification discourse. This capitalist way of thinking has to a large extent either already embodied or silenced other perspectives on China, making it Taiwan's hegemonic culture. This has been a world trend for a while. Therefore Taiwan is not alone in this because China is the core focus of international capitalism as Taiwan is forced to utilize this situation in order not to be neglected in the international world. This paper also argues that hegemonic culture is not necessarily a bad thing, because it can provide a way to overcome the western framework of the modern nation state. Capitalist thought is locally interpreted everywhere around the world, therefore in cross-strait relations it might provide a way out of the current deadlock.


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