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Improvement of Scion and Stock Seedlings Qualities of Watermelon Grafting Watermelon Grafting




西瓜 嫁接苗 給光天數 冷水


To promote grafting efficiency, it's necessary to demand product standardization and ordered seedlings. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of media, days of light supplement, pressure and cold water irrigation on the seedlings qualities of the watermelon cv. 'Empire No 2' seedlings and bottle gourd 'S-1'. Seed germination of watermelon sowing in vermiculite was significantly lower than other treatments. The sand treatment had higher germination, lower spread time of 10% to 90% of final germination (T90-10) and shorter stem length. Seedlings also had shorter and thicker stem on non-woven fabric. In addition to the clean root, it's the ideal sowing media for watermelon. Seedlings that were more days (3-5 days) of light supplement had higher and thicker stems than those less days (0-2 days). As pressure increasing, the height of watermelon seedlings was significantly shorter but the diameter of stem was thicker. To observe the effect of cold water on the seedling growth of the bottle gourd 'S-1', cold water (5°C, 10°C, 15°C and 20°C) and room temperature water were irrigated every day. After sowing 7 days, leaves number was increasing as water temperature rising. However there was no significant difference in leaves number among treatments after sowing 14 days. The 5°C water treatment decreased bottle gourd stem length but increased stem diameter in sowing 7 to 14 days.
