  • 期刊


Crucial Component in CaC2 Solution for Flower Induction in Pineapples and the 1-MCP Antagonistic Effect


電石水常用於鳳梨催花,但其催花效果不穩定。本試驗欲探討電石水中哪些成分對鳳梨催花有效果。於2009年8月至11月期間取約10個月大之‘台農十七號’鳳梨成熟株,以1%電石水灌施、電石氣燻施、10 ppm乙烯燻施、1%電石水去電石氣後灌施,或先以1-MCP燻施後再以電石氣燻施,結果電石水、電石氣及乙烯處理,皆可誘導開花,開花率有80%以上,但去電石氣之電石水處理或1-MCP處理後再以電石氣處理皆未誘導開花。可見電石水中能刺激開花之物質為溶於水中之電石氣;其主要成分應為與乙烯類似作用之乙炔。又1-MCP具有抑制乙炔作用之效果。以電石水上清液、全電石水、或去電石氣後之電石水處理鳳梨D葉基部之圓片後測定乙烯釋放量,結果,電石水上清液於處理6-12小時之乙烯釋放速率最高(5.29μL C2H4‧kg^(-1)‧h^(-1)),全電石水處理組次高(1.92 μL C2H4‧kg^(-1)‧h^(-1)),而去電石氣之電石水處理組最低(0.99 μL C2H4‧kg^(-1)‧h^(-1))。可能是上清液中含乙炔較多或全電石水中的沉澱物會影響乙炔之作用。


開花 乙烯 乙炔 葉圓片 沉澱物


Aqueous solution of CaC2 has been widely used to force flowering in pineapples, although the treatment results are often erratic. This study aimed at identifying which component or components in the CaC2 solution acts or act as the flower-induction agent. During the period of Aug., 2009 to Nov., 2009, ten month-old potted 'Tainon 17' pineapple plants were treated with one of the following: 1.0% (w/v) CaC2 solution, CaC2-water generated fume, 10 ppm ethylene, deaerated CaC2 solution, and 1-MCP pretreatment followed by CaC2-water fume. More than 80% of the plants treated with CaC2 solution, CaC2-water fume, or ethylene flowered, while none of those treated with deaerated CaC2 solution or with 1-MCP followed by CaC2-water fume flowered. The results indicated that the fume generated by adding CaC2 in water, presumably acetylene, was responsible for flower induction and 1-MCP impeded its efficacy. In another experiment, excised discs of basal tissue of D leaves were treated with supernatant liquid of CaC2 solution, crude CaC2 solution, or deaerated CaC2 solution and then the ethylene production rates of the discs were monitored. The discs treated with the supernatant liquid had the highest ethylene production rate followed by those treated with crude CaC2 solution and those treated with deaerated CaC2 solution, the lowest. The supernatant solution might contain a higher concentration of acetylene than the crude solution, or the sediment in the crude solution might impede the acetylene action.


Flowering Ethylene Acetylene Leaf Disc Sediment
