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Gendered Writing: The Representation of Men and Women in Han Yu's Collected Works


韓愈(768-824)是唐代(618-907)傑出的文學家及思想家,既倡導「古文運動」,也是「唐宋八大家」之首,在中國文學史上具有崇高的地位。回顧過往中外學界有關韓愈的研究,主要有三方面,包括韓愈詩集、文集的校注及整理;韓愈詩文的翻譯;以及不同性質的專題研究。就不同性質的專題研究而言,應以韓愈的儒學思想、佛道思想的探討及文學作品的特色較為豐富。然而,近年學術界研究古人作品所載性別內容的風氣甚盛,而有關成果亦往往能夠帶來新的學術視角。著名的美國性別史學者Joan Wallach Scott曾提出以性別視角作為分析歷史的工具,既使我們重新認識女性的歷史,也重新認識歷史。誠然韓愈所書寫的文體形式豐富,涉及的人物亦很廣泛,若果以性別鏡子作為視角,又呈現出怎樣的面貌?以性別視角探討韓愈詩文的成果未算豐富,仍然有不少增潤的空間。故此,本文的主題是希望呈現韓愈詩文中的性別面貌,既嘗試探討韓愈筆下的傳統男性人格,以及韓文所呈現的厚重雄風;與此同時,亦對韓愈筆下的女性親人作出探究,窺探這位傑出的文學家在「雄筆」之餘,流露內心深處情感的一面。


韓愈 詩文 性別面貌


Han Yu was a renowned writer and philosopher in Tang Dynasty, who was also a significant writer in traditional Chinese literature. He was the advocate of the Ancient Literature Movement (Guwen yundong 古文運動) and one of the Eight Great Prose Masters of the Tang and Sung (Tang Song badajia 唐宋八大家). Previous studies of Han Yu include several editions and translations of Han Yu's collected works, and a variety of topic studies related to Han Yu. Recent topic studies of Han Yu tend to place the spotlight on several aspects including Han Yu's intellectual thoughts, religious attitudes, and the literary features of Han Yu's collected works, etc.In fact, applying a gender perspective to review literary works is becoming more popular in recent scholarship. Joan Wallach Scott, one of the most prominent scholars in the field of women's and gender history, has theorized the analysis of history and culture by using a gender perspective. This methodology implies not only a new history of women, but also a new history. Hence, the main focus of this paper is inspired by such a research trend. I will re-examine Han Yu's collected works with a gender perspective and analyze the representation of men and women in his writing.


Gendered Writing Han Yu's Collected



