  • 期刊


Rapid Characterization of Pesticides and Drugs in Biofluids and on Solid Samples with Thermal Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry


熱脫附電噴灑質譜法(Thermal Desorption-Electrospray Ionization/Mass Spectrometry, TD-ESI/MS)是一種能在一大氣壓力及室溫下進行游離的現代質譜技術。此技術具有採樣方便、分析快速而且靈敏度高等特性,因此可以被應用在快速篩檢大量生物檢體中的毒化物。以TD-ESI/MS進行化學分析時,是使用一金屬探針來刮取固體表面,或沾附液體樣品後,再將探針送入TD-ESI游離源內進行熱脫附及游離,最後再以接在其後的質量分析器偵測分析物離子。本文將介紹TD-ESI/MS在毒藥物快篩的應用。胃液及口水在不需進行前處理下,即可直接檢測到所添加的加保扶、加保利、伏寄普及拉草等微量農藥的訊號。若將液-液萃取法與TD-ESI/MS結合,則可在1分鐘內偵測到全血及尿中所含微量的zaleplon、zolpidem、THC及verapamil等藥物分子,其在血液及尿液樣品中的偵測極限在1 ~ 5 ppb之間。除了生物檢體外,TD-ESI/MS還可快速檢測出存在皮膚及其他固體樣品表面上的殘餘化學物質如農藥、藥物及高爆炸藥等成分。


Thermal desorption-electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry (TD-ESI/MS) is one of the ambient mass spectrometric techniques. A metal probe is used to scrape the solid surface or dip into the liquid for sampling, the probe is then inserted into the TD-ESI/MS system for subsequent thermal desorption, ESI post-ionization, and MS detection. This approach allows direct and high throughput analysis with minimal sample pretreatment and requires very small amount of sample. We herein report the utilization of TD-ESI/MS to rapidly analyze saliva and gastric juice; the commonly samples in self-poisioning with pesticide, wherein carbofuran, carbaryl, fluazifop-p-butyl, and alachlor were detected. The combination of liquid-liquid extraction and TD-ESI/MS allowed analysis of zaleplon, zolpidem, THC, and verapamil in whole blood and urine within 1 minute. The limits of detection were at 1 ~ 5 ppb. TD-ESI/MS was also used to characterize chemicals compounds including pesticide residues, drugs, and explosive-HMX on skin and other solid surfaces.


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