  • 期刊


Right to The City: Civic Organization in Taichung City


城市權近年來成為城市理論中重要的領域,其中重視市民對於城市公共事務參與以及弱勢者的發聲。臺中市近年來朝向國際化開發,使臺中城市產生發展危機。2012年隨著社會氛圍的轉變市民產生一股新的力量,組成不同的非 正式組織共同對於城市進行不同論述與想像,藉由更多的行動達到「擁有更好的城市」願景。本文將由臺中市做為案例,探討當前臺中市民組織城市運動,如何在不同間尺度形塑出城市想像,並從事政治性行動,以達到更好的城市願景。本文選取臺中市三個市民組織,理解組織行動如何建構論述,並如何由不斷倡議與行動,爭取到市民權利以扭轉主流論述的城市發展。本文認為當前臺中市市民組織呼喊城市權爭取中,仍需文化轉譯產生地方認同,避免城市理念論述下產生與地方的隔閡,並使修正都市計畫制度增加市民參與才得以實現城市權利的倡議與行動。


The right to the city has recently regained some of its prominence in the field of urban theory. Urban theorists begin to revisit this idea for its emphasis on the public’s civic engagement and minority’s voices. The large scale redevelopment and urban renewal in Taichung created some of the worst urban crises the city has witnessed over the years. These crises sparked intense debates between various groups and led people to challenge each other on what makes a better Taichung. It is against this backdrop of crises and debates, a new wave of city movement has begun. This study uses interviews and field notes to explore how three civic groups in Taichung engage the public and minority groups to construct different visions of the city. The study finds that in this process of reclaiming residents’ right to the city, there is more work to be done. In order to increase connection with local communities, civic groups must translate their language into one that resonates more with local culture. Amendments to the current urban planning process must also be made to systematically increase resident participation.
