

自從日本學者將"religion"這個代表西方信仰之詞彙,借用佛教用語而將之翻譯成漢語「宗教」一詞以後,「宗教」便被認知成一切信仰以及因信仰而產生的文化活動之代名詞。但是,「宗教」一詞原係出自佛教用語,這種認知與原來佛教對於「宗教」的定義相去甚遠,這是一種概念的誤植與語意的錯置。本研究從宗教之字源探討西方用語"religion"的定義、中國傳統宗教的定義,並說明佛教的宗教之定義,藉以還原「宗教」一詞的原貌。但限於篇幅,無法從人文科學的各個面向探討"religion" 的各種定義,僅從字源探討「宗教」被誤植成"religion"的定義之迷思,並提供一個重新思考的方向。


religion 宗教


Since the time the Japanese borrowed Buddhist terminology and translated "religion" - a word that connotes Western faiths - into Chinese as "zong jiao," zong jiao has been used to stand for a collection of beliefs as well as the cultural activities they give rise to, which, however, are a far cry from the original meaning of this Chinese name in Buddhism. The translation of "religion" into "zong jiao" therefore presents a mismatch in semantics and a misappropriation in definition. This research explores from the perspective of etymology, the definitions of the English word "religion" and Chinese traditional meaning of "zong jiao," thereby elucidating and restoring the true meaning of the Buddhist "religion" - Buddhism. Given the limitation of a paper, it does not look into the definitions of "religion" assigned by various disciplines of humanities. Rather, this paper tackles the misappropriation of the words "zong jiao" to denote "religion" in terms of etymology and prompts rethinking of these words.


religion Zong Jiao Zong Jiao


中華電子佛典(2005) 。圜悟佛果禪師語錄。卷16,CBETA, T47, no. 1997, p. 786, a25。台北:中華電子佛典協會。
中華電子佛典( 2005) 。金剛般若波羅蜜經。卷1,CBETA, T08, no. 235, p. 749, a26。台北:中華電子佛典協會。
Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, 2006. 2016/12/20 http://www.religionfacts.com/religion
Online Etymology Dictionary, 2017. 2017/1/15 http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=religion
中華電子佛典(2005)。宗鏡錄。卷34,CBETA, T48, no.2016, p. 614, a14-15。台北:中華電子佛典協會。

