  • 學位論文


The Study of Chinese Drum Culture from prehistorical period to Han Dynasty

指導教授 : 沈冬


本文將用漢朝以前的中國古典文獻,以及考古文物資料,來敘述和鋪陳出膜鳴樂器(Membranophones)的鼓,在古代中國人民生活中以及心目中的地位,試圖建構一幅鼓類樂器的樣貌。時間鎖定在遠古至漢朝,而地域則以華夏文化及其影響之範圍為主。 本文將從鼓這項器物本身的形制談起,對文獻及考古文物中的鼓,做整理、歸納與比較,接著從鼓的使用場合與功用的角度切入,論及鼓這項器物與人的生活之關係,包含在軍事、祭祀、政治、音樂、舞蹈、工藝……等方面的功用與表現,最後涉及人對於鼓這樣樂器的想法與觀感,進行一些形而上學的探討,包括神話、美學、哲學……等。藉著這一條脈絡,來呈現中國鼓的文化,不單只是鼓的物質敘述,而是與人緊密相關的;也不單將鼓視為一種「樂器」,而同時將之視為一種生活中的一般「器具」,希望藉由鼓不同面向的討論,能增加對於中國鼓文化史的廣度。


樂舞 膜鳴樂器 文化史 物質文化


This article is a study of Chinese drum and makes reference to documents and ancient stuff before the Han Dynasty. It figures out how drums influenced Chinese people’s life and how Chinese thought about drums. It focuses on the period from the ancient times until the Han Dynasty. Geographically, it concerns all the area with regard to Hua Xia. There are three sections in this article. The first section illustrates the shapes of drums with the aid of ancient documents and makes deduction and comparison. In section two, I discuss about the occasions where drums were used and the functions of drums ; in other words, I tried to elaborate how drum is related to one's life from the aspect of military, politics, culture and arts, etc. In section three, I discuss about the concept of drum which related with aesthetics, philosophy, legends, etc., from the dimensions of "drum", "drum and people", and "drum and human culture". I do present the history of Chinese drum, which is anthropocentric. In a word, drum is not only a musical instrument but also stuff in people’s life. I want to increase the breadth of drum history by the descriptions of drums in different ways. The article comes to the conclusion that drum is not only a musical instrument but a tool as well in one's life.Hereby, I would like to expand the breadth of drum history through the descriptions of drums in different ways.


李濟總編輯、梁思永未完稿、高去尋輯補,《侯家莊—河南安陽侯家莊殷代墓地 第6本1217號大墓》,台北:中央研究院歷史語言研究所,民51—63。
