  • 學位論文


Investigation of performance and characteristics of Savonius type hydrokinetic turbine

指導教授 : 陳希立




In recent years, countries around the world actively develop green energy.Hydropower plays an important role in the development of green power. This study focuses on the micro hydro power.Investigate the performance and characteristics of Savonius type hydrokinetic turbine. The author refers to the literature of other scholars and research the interaction between two hydrokinetic Savonius turbines to examine how the different relative positions of the two turbines affect Cp.The author is looking forward to finding the best efficiency to produce the large number of turbines and help the development of green energy industry in Taiwan and developing countries. The experiment is divided into the influence of the relative position of the turbine and the number of turbine blades.The relative position experiment is devided into two Savonius turbines running side by side or arranged in line.The blades of turbines can be classified as three blades,six blades and eight blades.The results show that in the same system,three-blades turbines turn fastest.When turbines are placed at X/D=1,the Cp is 10% higher than the single turbine.In the experiment of turbines arranged in line,the closer the distance,the higher the Cp of front turbine.Cp is increased by 15%, but the Cp of the back turbine is decreased by 65%.Therefore, the best position of turbines arranged in line is Y/D=5. The Cp of three blades turbine is higher 10-15% than six blades turbine and is higher 30-35% than eight blades turbine. Obviuosly three blades turbine is the best design. The more blade number, the lower Cp.


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