  • 學位論文

企業金融大型授信案之決策關鍵與組織敏捷 ─ G銀行之個案研究

Key Decisions of Mega Loan and Organizational Agility of Corporate Banking: Three Case Studies of Bank G

指導教授 : 吳學良


中堅、大型企業對台灣的經濟發展扮演了至關重要的角色,而本土金融業正是支撐這些企業的強大後盾。然而,礙於保護客戶與其商業機密性,文獻極少提及銀行對大型企業客戶之授信評估模式,相關個案研究更是寥寥可數。 本研究先檢視國內銀行現有授信評估模式潛在之問題,並利用動態能力之理論框架,以硬性、軟性訊息以及結構洞理論作為微觀理論基礎,並配合三個實際個案,深入探討銀行面對大型授信案件時,該如何利用自身的組織敏捷與各種管道進行有效且有效率之授信,在授信評估效率與風控間找尋適當的平衡,進而創造雙贏、甚至三贏之局勢。


The hidden champions and large enterprises play an essential role in the economic development in Taiwan. Behind the scene, these enterprises are well-supported by local financial service providers. However, due to commercial confidentiality and the protectionism of corporate customers, domestic banks’ mechanism of mega loan credit assessment and cases are merely unveiled in previous studies. To fulfill the knowledge gap, this study examines the potential pitfalls of the existing credit assessment models of domestic banks, using the dynamic capabilities as the theoretical framework; hard, soft information and structural hole theory work as the micro-foundation. As an illustration, this study also provides three actual mega loan cases to depict the dilemma when the banks face the “credit paradox”. These cases provide profound insights that how a bank utilize its organizational agility and various channels to effectively and efficiently accomplish the credit assessment. For the banks, reaching appropriate balance between efficiency and risk control through organizational agility is the key to create a win-win situation.


1. 中央銀行,2020,金融統計,https://www.banking.gov.tw/ch/home.jsp?id=157 parentpath=0,4 mcustomize=bstatistics_view.jsp serno=201105120004,搜尋日期:2020年11月3日。
2. 中華民國銀行商業同業公會全國聯合會,2018,中華民國銀行公會會員授信準則,http://www.ba.org.tw/FileDownload/Download?FileId=38c042e7-fa61-4bff-88c6-7dc5733f0d1e FileName=%E6%8E%88%E4%BF%A1%E6%BA%96%E5%89%87%E5%85%A8%E6%96%8710701.docx,搜尋日期:2020年11月3日。
3. 方豪、李彥賢與薑廷宜,2017,廠商融資對銀行信用風險之影響,兩岸金融季刊,5卷4期:59-88。
