  • 學位論文


Dialogue between Artificial and Nature through the Exploration of Ruin Places

指導教授 : 陳珍誠
共同指導教授 : 劉綺文(Chi-Wen Liu)


本研究針對由於後工業、泡沫化、過度開發等社會文化發展進程,所產生的建築遺跡、棄置建築、廢棄廠房等所謂的廢墟為對象。使用模仿、學習、連結、整合等概念,以設計為媒介,探討廢墟於環境中之再生,並且重新詮釋自然與人造相依的意義,研究自然與人工相互交織的設計系統。以建築與環境之共構,向大自然學習的永續建築設計手法,探討真自然、人為、人造自然等層級如何交織於環境之中。   經過自然重新覆蓋之後的廢墟,我們能發現許多的故事存在於其中。廢墟空間與環境中包含多層次的訊息可供拆解與探索,以空間與環境中所透露的訊息作為線索,設計出新的元素來回應與覆蓋舊有的元素。最後的整體設計中運用了視覺、功能、與想像等元素來構成。設計操作以詮釋、轉化與再生的方式,使用既有結構體來處理環境中透露的訊息,並且與自然產生對話的想法。   在本研究中將上述設計流程分為三個階段。第一階段中,進行第一代、第二代與第三代之廢墟設計實驗探討,藉由環境中之現象觀察,執行最符合現有環境之設計操作。第二階段以地景藝術操作,探討存在於環境中之人造自然,以最低限的手法在自然中置入人造物來詮釋自然環境。第三階段以一、二階段之經驗進入都市,企圖將自然帶入以人類活動為主的都市,探討自然在都市中重新產生之可能。希望能以此為都市帶來與自然對話之機會,期待在不同的環境與人工交織程度下,找出以新造物對應環境現況之法則。以此法則解決在人類行為影響下,存在於環境或都市中為數不少的廢墟問題,當這些為數不少的廢墟形成連鎖後,將成為都市中的新介面、新層級。這樣的人造與自然對話,將會在我們的生活環境中出現。將一群原本零散於環境中的人為廢棄物重新組織與定義,並且符合自然,是一種符合生物法則的有機轉換。


廢墟 地景 生態浩劫 永續 後工業 仿生 綠設計


This research focuses on the social culture develop progress such as post-industrial, bubblier and over-development which generate ruins as architectural ruin, abundant building and abundant factory as subject. Using the concepts of simulation, learning, inter-relationship and integration, discussing the design as a media for the ruins reborn in environments, re-interpreting the meaning of artificial and nature cling each other, and researching the design system of co-effecting of nature and artificial. Using the architecture to construct with the environment, and the design method of sustainable architecture which learned from the nature to confer how the layers of nature and artificial effecting each other in the environment. We can find a lot of stories in ruins, which recovered by nature. Ruin spaces and environments contain layers of information that can be dismounting and discovery. Using the information talked by the spaces and environment as clue to design new elements to reply, interpret original elements. The complete design works with elements of vision, function and imagination to construct. Design operation by transform, interpret and relive, using existing structure to deal with information given by the environment and to have dialogue with nature. In this research diving the design process into three sections. In the first section, proceeding consists of 1st generation, 2nd generation and 3rd generation ruin design experiments, are from the observation of the environment phenomena to enforce the most suitable design operation for existing environment. In 2nd section, using land-arts to confer existing artificial nature in environment and to re-interpret the nature by implant limited artificial objects. In 3rd section, applying the experiences from the 1st and 2nd sections and bring these experiences into the city which mainly activated by human. Confer the new possibilities of nature in the city and hope to start new dialogue between nature and city. Find out the order of new builds respond to the environment in common for different artificial and environments. By this order to solve the ruins in the city which generate by the human behave. By the time these ruins chain up in the city, it would become a new layer in the city, and this kind of dialogue in between nature and artificial will show up in our lives. Re-organized and re-interpret a group of unstructured abundant objects and to make them follow the order of nature, which follow the biological natural transform.


Ruin Landscape Eco-Havoc Sustainability Post-Industrial Imitate


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