  • 學位論文

台灣連鎖餐飲業在中國市場發展策略之研究: 以上海與重慶為案例

Development Strategies of Franchise Restaurant from Taiwan in Mainland China: Cases Study of Shanghai and Chongqing.

指導教授 : 郭建中 范錦明


中國大陸「十二五規劃」希望轉變經濟發展方式,在「十二五」規劃與調漲工資等政策的推波助瀾下,將帶動內需消費市場成長,使服務業為下一波崛起的產業;而餐飲服務業是在地化的產業,與民生息息相關,在與中國大陸語言相通與習俗相近的條件下,台灣業者相較於其歐美其他競爭對手國家而言,在大陸擁有更多的發展空間與合作商機。 本研究藉由訪問「摩斯漢堡」、「德克士」、「王品集團」等三家公司了解其在大陸經營概況:目前中國大陸內需經濟微幅降溫,民眾減少餐飲支出,餐飲市場呈現趨緩,一方面面臨食品價格持續走高、勞動力成本上升等經營成本高漲,另一方面食品安全事故頻傳、人力資源匱乏與稅率過高等挑戰,餐飲企業進入微利時代。不過台灣餐飲業者展店的腳步並未停止,主因來自中國大陸餐飲市場廣大的消費人口,加上人民所得逐年提升,台灣餐飲業者認為短期間經濟降溫情況,可望隨中國大陸政府推出相關振興經濟方案後獲得改善,因此台灣餐飲業者對於中國大陸餐飲市場的長期發展仍是樂觀看待,相繼持續進行在中國大陸的展店計畫。本次探討的個案未來規劃如下: 1.前往二、三線城市發展。 2.上市櫃。 3.整合資源。 4.打造企業多品牌形象。 5.培養當地人才。 6.中國大陸反腐倡廉。


China’s Exported-wealth has decreased its prosperous, the changing and up great to current main industry’s structure becomes the primary policy to China government. The china 12th 5 year plan has expand the domestic consumer market; with its higher standard living of society and higher GDP growth, the catering industry in china had become one of the highest gross rate industry. Due to society’s livelihood, the franchise restaurant is still considered a localize culture and with its resembling language and custom, the Taiwanese companies has more competitive Advantages to expand the franchise restaurant in Mainland China. This research is based on interviewing Mos burger, Dicos, Wong-Pin Corp.; to understand the current situation of managing/expand franchise restaurant from Taiwan in Mainland China: Currently, the consumer market has decreased, the price of commodities and the cost of labor are concisely growing. Yet businesses are facing the new challenge relate to food safety incident, lack of human resources and higher taxation- the franchise restaurant had gone into the age of “meager profit age”. However, the expand of these business never stopped, due to the large population of its consumer and high growing of GNI, many franchise restaurant from Taiwan in Mainland China deem positive market in long term. The case study of strategy to expand franchise restaurant features: To expand in subordinate cities (second-tier city, third-tier city),Mos burger and Wang-Pin corp has already gone as OTC in 2011, Resource integration, Multi-brand, multi-scope of catering business, Training local employers.


franchise restaurant Shanghai Chongqing


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