  • 學位論文


An Investigation of the Emotion Blackmail Process in Organizations: the Panoramic View of the Relationship among Blackmail Behaviors, Interactions, and Emotion Responsiveness

指導教授 : 李明彥


近幾年來,人們開始重視到組織裡的不當對待,情緒勒索的議題也越來越 多人關注以及討論。依循過往有關情緒勒索的相關文件,其探討的情緒反應及 勒索者與被勒索者的關係描繪並無太多著墨。我們可以從過去文獻得知,情緒 勒索事件發生時會導致被勒索者內心受到很大的壓力及負面情緒反應,以及情 緒勒索事件發生時是因為被勒索者想維繫與勒索者的關係所以才接受被勒索者 要求的事項,在過去的研究大多數都著重在於情緒勒索所產生的負面情緒以及 影響,然而卻未曾有人深入探討關係的親疏是否會影響被勒索者的情緒反應。 因此本研究目的為深入探討勒索者與被勒索者的互動關係是否會影響被勒 索者有不同的情緒反應,以及本研究將針對不同產業的部屬作為研究對象,以 半結構式訪談方法進行資料蒐集,共蒐集三十九位組織成員,共五十六個關鍵 事件。 從研究結果發現關係親近的被勒索者遭受到勒索事件時,所產生的無力感 較重,且在遭受到了情緒勒索事件後的情緒反應是內化反應,且會因為關係親 近而導致負面情緒難以找到出口,而關係疏遠的被勒索者遭受到勒索事件時的 情緒反應多為憤怒或著無感的,因為關係疏遠,當被勒索者遭受到勒索事件 時,只會產生不諒解及憤怒的情緒,即便為了要維繫關係,也會去找其他的出 口去宣泄他的負面情緒,而無感的受訪者認為,這是組織裡主管交代的工作, 即便認為遭受到了勒索事件,也會認為這是該完成的事情,並無有太多的情緒 反應。 本研究根據上述結果歸納出遭受到勒索事件時的六種路徑,從關係親疏來 探討勒索事件與情緒勒索事件之內涵。


In recent years, people have begun to pay attention to improper treatment in organizations, and the issue of emotional blackmail has attracted more and more attention and discussion. Following the relevant documents on emotional blackmail in the past, the emotional response and the relationship between the extortionist and the extortionist are not much inked. We can learn from past literature that emotional blackmail events can lead to extreme stress and negative emotional reactions in the extortionate, and emotional blackmail events occur when the blackmailer wants to maintain the relationship with the extortionist. Most of the past studies have focused on the negative emotions and effects of emotion blackmail, but no one has thoroughly explored whether the relationship's affinity will affect the emotional response of the blackmailed. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore whether the interaction between extortionists and extortionists will affect the emotional response of extortionists, and this study will focus on the subordinates of different industries as a research object, and collect data by semi-structured interviews. A total of thirty-six key members were collected from 39 members. From the results of the study, it is found that the blackmailed people who are close to each other are subjected to blackmail, and the feeling of powerlessness is heavier, and the emotional reaction after the emotional blackmail event is internalized, and it is difficult to cause negative emotions because of the close relationship. Finding an exit, and the emotional response of a blackmailed person who is alienated from being subjected to a blackmail incident is mostly anger or insensitivity. Because of the alienation of the relationship, when the blackmailed person is subjected to blackmail, it will only produce unreasonable and angry emotions. Even if it is to maintain the relationship, it will go to other outlets to vent his negative emotions, and the unsatisfied respondents believe that this is the work of the supervisor in the organization, even if they think that they have suffered the blackmail incident, they will think that this It is the completion of the matter, there is not much emotional reaction. Based on the above results, this study summarizes the six paths in the case of blackmail events, and explores the implications of blackmail events and emotional blackmail events from the relationship.


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