  • 學位論文


A Study on the Phonetic Variation of Mandarin Chinese Ri Initial in Taiwan:from the Viewpoint of Sociolinguistics

指導教授 : 吳瑾瑋


本論文的研究目的在觀察臺灣地區的國音中,由傳統聲韻學「日母字」演變而成的兩個主要音位:「ㄖ」與「ㄦ」的發音狀況,並梳理其音變軌跡。詹惠珍曾於1983年對臺灣地區的國音「ㄖ」進行社會語言學調查,本研究於三十多年後的今日,再次對國音「ㄖ」進行觀察,並加上國音「ㄦ」的語音調查。本文搜集國音「ㄖ」與「ㄦ」的語料,並以社會語言學理論、詞頻與音節結構為觀察點,分析語料所反映的語音現象與音變狀況。本研究藉由訪談法蒐集語料,發音人標鎖定在臺灣地區成長,並學習國音的國音使用者。本研究訪談的內容分成四份文件:「文章」、「詞表」、「字表」、「對立字表」,分別代表不同的說話正式程度。   本文首先以社會語言學的角度分析語料,分為四:「說話場域」、「性別」、「年齡」、「教育」。以「說話場域」來看,說話的正式程度越高,受訪者發出「ㄖ」、「ㄦ」標準音的比例就越高,反之則多發出語音變體。以「性別」來說,女性比男性發出更多標準音,但兩者差距不大。以「年齡」來說,青年族群多發出變體,中年族群多發出標準音,老年族群發音狀況與中年族群接近,但會比發出更高比例的變體。以「教育」來看,教育程度在大學以上者,發出標準音的比例高於未受過大學教育者。分析結果顯示,「說話形式」、「年齡」、「教育」三項因素對受訪者發出標準音或變體的狀況有較深影響。   關於國音「日母字」的音變狀況,國音「ㄖ」與國音「ㄦ」可能處於音變當中,國音「ㄖ」處於[ʐ]>[l]的音變中,國音「ㄦ」處於[ə˞]>[ə]的音變中,且兩變化在詞彙上屬於漸變,語音上屬於突變。而以頻率來看音變,結果顯示不論「ㄖ」或「ㄦ」,高頻詞音變快於低頻詞。以音節結構來看音變,國音「ㄖ」的結構對音變速度較無明顯關聯,但從各結構發出標準音與變體[l]的對應來看,國音「ㄖ」的音變軌跡應為[ʐ]>[l]。   國音「ㄖ」與國音「ㄦ」源於中古的「日母字」,到現今國音中,兩個音位演變成捲舌音。在調查結果中發現,國音「ㄖ」與「ㄦ」在標準音之外有不捲舌變體,而兩者的音變方向顯示出兩者有去捲舌化的跡象。臺灣地區的國音「日母字」會因社會因素的不同,出現不一樣的發音狀況,其中「說話場域」、「年齡」、「教育」三項因素影響較深;而詞頻會對語音的變化速度產生影響,頻率高者音變較快。最後,本研究認為,國音「ㄖ」處於[ʐ]>[l]的音變中,國音「ㄦ」處於[ə˞]>[ə]的音變中,兩項變化正在進行中。


The main objective of this thesis is to observe the pronunciation situation of “ㄖ” and “ㄦ” in Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan, and to sort out the phonetic variation of these two phonemes. Zhan(1983) conducted the Sociolinguistics investigation of Mandarin “ㄖ” in 1983, this thesis conducted the same investigation again now, and investigated Mandarin “ㄦ” at the same time. This thesis gathered and established the text corpus of “ㄖ” and “ㄦ” , and analyzed the phonetic variation situation of the information through Sociolinguistics, word frequency and syllable structure. This thesis gathered information by interview, interviewees are targeted to those who grew up in Taiwan and learned Mandarin in Taiwanese education system. The interview contains four texts: “the passage”, “the multi-character list”, “the single-character list” and “the contrastive-character list”. These four texts represent different speaking formality. This thesis will exam the text corpus through Sociolinguistics first. The analysis is divided into four parts: “the formality of speaking”, “sex”, “age” and “education”. Based on the analysis of “the formality of speaking”, the more formal the situation is, the more standard pronunciation will be produced. On the contrary, people tend to pronounce varieties in spontaneous speech. Based on the analysis of “sex”, women’s pronunciation is more standard than men, but the gap between two groups is not significant. Based on the analysis of “age”, the youth group tends to pronounce varieties, the middle-aged group’s pronunciation is the most standard, the old-aged group’s result is similar to the middle-aged group’s, but the old-aged group tends to pronounce more varieties. Based on the analysis of “education”, those who received at least college education have more standard pronunciation. Overall result shows that “the formality of speaking”, “age” and “education” have more significant impacts on pronunciation. According to the analysis of the phonetic variation of the Ri initial, Mandarin “ㄖ” and “ㄦ” are likely under a sound changing which is underway. “ㄖ” is under the change of [ʐ]>[l], “ㄦ” is under the change of [ə˞]>[ə], both of two cases are ”phonetically abrupt and lexically gradual ”. In terms of “word frequency”, the result of both objectives shows that the higher the words’ frequency is, the faster the sound change is. In terms of “syllable structure”, the result shows that the syllable structures of “ㄖ” have no significant relationship with sound change. But the correspondence between [ʐ] and [l] shows that the trace of sound change might be [ʐ]>[l]. Mandarin “ㄖ” and “ㄦ” basically originated from Ri initial. In the Mandarin nowadays, these two phonemes become retroflex. The investigation shows that “ㄖ” and “ㄦ” have non-roll tongue varieties, and the direction of sound change displays that both “ㄖ” and “ㄦ” have the sign of becoming non-retroflex sounds. The words of Ri initial in Taiwan have different pronunciation situation according to different social factors, and “the formality of speaking”, “age” and “education” have more significant influences. Besides, word frequency plays a role in the progress of sound change, the words with higher using frequency change faster. The conclusion of this thesis is that Mandarin “ㄖ” is under the sound change of [ʐ]>[l], Mandarin“ㄦ” is under the sound change of [ə˞]>[ə], and both of these two changes are undergoing.


