  • 學位論文


Study of an allegory - The argument between tea and wine(Chá Jiǔ Lùn)

指導教授 : 顏瑞芳


在西元一千九百年左右,人們找到了敦煌洞窟,裡頭藏著壁畫、器物、抄本等各種文物,自此開啟了敦煌學的研究。其中抄本的部分存藏著其它傳世文獻未見的文學作品,這些作品融會了許多藝術技巧,反映著寫成時代的社會環境,在中國文學史上具有重大意義,而本文的研究對象──〈茶酒論〉正是其中之一。 〈茶酒論〉的內容為由旁觀者提出疑問,要求茶跟酒描述自己在社會上有那些功勞,進一步說清楚何者的地位更高,自此開啟茶跟酒一來一往的論述。經過數次往來的對話之後,彼此的言辭與內容越發犀利,就在爭論達到頂點的時候,待在一旁、聽完整個過程的水發話,它點出茶跟酒的思想盲點,並以自己的事情為例,說明自身在世間的功過無法由自己來定義,並再次提點茶跟酒應該了解自己的本質、守好自己的本分,在自身的領域做好該做的事,以達萬物和諧。 從內容與結構來看,〈茶酒論〉是一篇「寓言」作品,許多前賢提到這個觀點,本文則是更進一步從寓言文學的角度,深入研究〈茶酒論〉的寓言特點。全文分成六章,第一章緒論,說明研究動機、目的、方法等各項內容。第二章〈茶酒論〉的文體分析,先分析〈茶酒論〉的文體特徵,再說明賦與寓言的特徵與交會,最後論述文體為「賦體寓言」的〈茶酒論〉有何特徵。第三章跟第四章探究〈茶酒論〉的故事部分,故事由角色、對話、情節三者組成,而〈茶酒論〉採用對話的形式來呈現角色跟情節,因此對話的部分將融入角色與情節中探討,第三章〈茶酒論〉的角色形象,分析並論述了其中角色展現的形象與樣貌;第四章則分析〈茶酒論〉的情節以及應用的藝術技法。第五章〈茶酒論〉的寓意分析,根據分析的層面不同,分成三節論述〈茶酒論〉所包含的寓意。第六章結論,歸納研究成果並提出研究展望。


茶酒論 寓言 寓言研究


Around 1900, people found the Dunhuang Grottoes (Mogao Caves), which contained a large number of ancient cultural relics such as murals, artworks, and manuscripts. This epoch-making discovery opens a new field of archaeological chapter– Dunhuang study. Some manuscripts discovered in Dunhuang Grottoes have never been seen in other sources. These manuscripts play a great role in the history of Chinese literature because they reflect the cultural and social environment of the era when they were created. “The Argument between Tea and Wine” is one of these ancient manuscripts. The content of "The Argument between Tea and Wine" starts with a question asked a bystander. The question is to ask Tea and Wine to first describe their social contributions, then further justify who has a higher status than the other one. Since then, the mutual discussions between Tea and Wine have been started. After several conversations, Tea and Wine start arguing with each other. When the debate reaches the most intensive point, Water, who is the audience throughout the entire discussion between Tea and Wine, kicks in and explains that Water is the essential element for both Tea and Wine. Instead of arguing who is superior, both Tea and Wine should cool down and recognize that while they have different characteristics, but their essential element —Water— are identical. “The Argument between Tea and Wine” is an allegory. The author reveals the hidden meaning behind the story. This thesis consists of six chapters: 1) An introduction to show the motivation, purpose and method of this study 2) Article style analysis 3) Characters’ images analyses 4) Story line and the writing skill analyses 5) Implication of the allegory and discussion 6) Conclusion and future steps



