  • 學位論文


The Research of New Method to Modify Software Source Code

指導教授 : 莊東穎


在韌體公司的營運模式裏,通常有超過50%以上的專案性質是在既有基礎開發廠商提供之軟體源代碼(Source Code)(即所謂公版)基礎下作客製化修改;當然,愈少的人工介入修改,其所花費的成本及工作時間亦會相對減少,如此就能創造更多的利潤。由於軟體源代碼是向既有基礎開發廠商所購買而來,其源代碼隨著功能的演進,而產生源代碼更新的需求。然而源代碼需不斷的更新卻造成了韌體公司營運的困擾,因為不跟著既有廠商更新,會產生錯誤無法修正與功能不足之問題,若隨著新源代碼更新,則會造成功能研發時程的延長,且容易產生更多新的問題(Bug)。由於市面上常見之版本控制軟體,如CVS、SVN皆無法滿足頻繁更換軟體源代碼的需求,所以在本文中提出一個新的修改源代碼的方式,即利用腳本(Script) 描述修改源代碼之動作,並且將客制化功能撰寫於腳本中,以達成在源代碼更新後,能快速的將客制化功能完整的移植(Porting)到新的源代碼中。


源代碼 更新


Considering the business operation models of Firmware Company, there are over 50% of projects need customized modifications based on source codes provided by Vendor. Of course, the less modifications made by engineers in a project, the lower cost and working hour it takes, thus more profit will be created accordingly. More and more request of updating source code comes with fast-evolved functions and features. However, continuously updating source code has brought some bothers to Firmware Company in that bugs cannot be fixed if we don’t upgrade source code while schedule will be delayed and unexpected bugs might be caused if we upgrade source code. Since common software of version control, such as CVS and SVN, are unable to meet requirement of frequently updating source code, a new alternative of modifying source code is proposed in this paper. This new alternative, Script, describe the action of updating commands, such as inserting functions, deleting functions, and file open, and save customized features in “Script” in order to quickly generate new source code including customized features through Script parser.


Source code update


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