  • 學位論文

透過有效之品牌延伸強化體驗行銷, 體驗價值, 與顧客忠誠度

Enhancing the Power of Experiential Marketing, Experiential Value, and Customer Loyalty through Effective Brand Extension

指導教授 : 黃仕斌


以消費者的角度, 你是否感覺到近年來許多品牌和其商業活動都不再僅只於提供你原有的產品及服務, 取得代之的是透過這些商業活動提供你一種對於生活形態的想望及價值? 你是否發現越來越多公司和品牌都跨出原有領域, 開始嘗試以新的方式和面向接觸拉攏消費者呢? Bernd Schmitt 博士於1999年出版之體驗行銷一書中首次帶入”如何讓顧客對你的公司及品牌產生感官, 情感, 思考, 行動, 和連結之綜合體驗 ?” 此一概念與理論. 而Mathwick, Malhotra, and Rigdon三位教授於2001年發表之體驗價值量表相關研究指出, 體驗價值量表反映了顧客由趣味性, 美感, 消費者投資報酬, 與服務優越性中所得到之有效滿足. 雖然我們對於這些概念皆不陌生, 但當越來越多公司和品牌相繼以落實有效品牌延伸來滿足消費者想要更多及被寵愛的心理時, 我們卻鮮少提到或真正去檢視品牌延伸是否具有強化體驗行銷, 體驗價值, 和顧客忠誠度之效益. 在此篇研究中, 我們討論了此一現象及檢視是否能透過有效的品牌延伸進而強化體驗行銷, 體驗價值, 和顧客忠誠度對於品牌的正面效應. 我們在研究中運用了多重案例分析來進行檢驗, 並選出四個不同產業之代表性品牌作為主要研究項目, 此四個品牌分別為: Afternoon Tea (統一午茶風光), Ladur#westeur042#e (法國甜點品牌拉度蕾), L’OCCITANE (歐舒丹), 以及MUJI (無印良品) 而透過高質量之問卷和訪談, 此次研究分析得出之結論為, 有效之品牌延伸的確可透過接觸及連結消費者更多不同面向而大幅增進消費者對於品牌之滿意度, 並對強化體驗行銷, 體驗價值, 和顧客忠誠度有正面收效. 但其中品牌延伸必需嚴密謹慎規劃並執行符合以下各項因素: 1. 品牌知名度及聲譽需正面且具影響力 2. 品牌精神必需傳承並落實至延伸之相關產品及服務 3. 品牌延伸之領域必需能夠提供消費者正向連結並創造出品牌完整性及提升消費者滿足感 (有形及無形需皆備) 4. 品牌延伸之產品或服務能夠清楚描繪出與品牌一致且不失獨特之”品牌個性”, 能與消費者本身性格產生共鳴, 並反映且提供消費者所嚮往之理想生活形態與氛圍價值


Has it ever occurred to you that business and commercial activities nowadays are not only offering you products and services, but also promoting some certain life styles through these activities? Are you aware of the fact that many companies and brands are starting to do business and engage customers beyond their original territories? Experiential marketing, which Dr. Schmitt first brought these five aspects to the spotlight in 1999: How to get customers to sense, feel, think, act, and related to your company and brands? And the concept of experiential value scale/EVS from Dr. Mathwick, Malhotra, and Rigdon in 2001 pointed out that this scale “reflecting the benefits derived from perceptions of playfulness, aesthetics, customer return on investment (customer ROI), and service excellence.” We are familiar with these theories, but while more and more brands and companies are realizing brand extension to satisfy even indulge their customers, we seldom talk about if brand extension could actually enhance the power of experiential marketing, EVS, and customer loyalty. In this research, we discussed such phenomenon and examined if an effective brand extension would help boost the positive effects of experiential marketing, experiential value, and customer loyalty. We adopted multi-case study approach where we selected four brands in different industries: Afternoon Tea, Ladur#westeur042#e, L’OCCITANE, and MUJI. In conclusion, based on qualitative questionnaires and interviews, we found that an effective brand extension does help enhance the effects and engage customers in a more powerful way. And the key factors are: 1. Strong brand and reputation 2. Brand image must be inherited and carried on 3. The extension can be related to the brand and create a sense of completion and higher satisfaction (tangibly and intangibly) 4. The extension shows and maps out unique but consistent “personalities” which corresponded with the customers’ and echoed to their ideal life styles


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