  • 學位論文


Natural nano-porous filter material as a new high-efficiency natural adsorbent to remove textile dyes

指導教授 : 劉孝漢


大多數紡織染料對環境有害並可能致癌,染料毒性很大、有害、能造成大量環境有毒廢物,對宮中構成嚴重危害。現今科學家已機開發出各種化學和物理過程的方法來去除不同的染料,例如,通過臭氧氧化,電化學方法,化學試劑凝結,次氯酸鹽氧化和吸附從廢水中除去染料。根據研究,吸附是從廢水中除去染料的有效方法,與其他昂貴的處理技術相比,這是一種替代方法。許多文獻中的一些研究報告已經報導了使用天然吸附劑去除紡織染料。天然吸附劑的使用將通過其經濟吸引力,廉價和可用性的優點去除紡織染料。   針對紡織印染廢水,使用天然奈米孔隙濾料進行吸附試驗,針對不同濃度之染料液體,進行不同時間震盪使吸附劑均勻分布吸收,之後使用分光光度計進行測定。另外,還會研究吸附劑用量和溫度對然奈米孔隙濾料去除染料的不同影響。研究目標在於開發,其數學模擬模型有助於建立低成本,低二次污染的工業吸收條件。


Most textile dyes are harmful to the environment and may cause cancer. The dyes are very toxic, harmful, and can cause a large amount of environmentally toxic waste, posing a serious hazard to the public. Nowadays, scientists have developed various chemical and physical processes to remove different dyes, for example: ozone oxidation, electrochemical methods, chemical coagulation, hypochlorite oxidation and adsorption to remove dyes from wastewater. According to previous researches, adsorption was an effective method for removing dyes from wastewater, which was an alternative to other expensive treatments. Previous literatures have been shown that the use of natural adsorbents would remove textile dyes by the advantages of their economic appeal, inexpensive and availability. To deal with the similar pollution of textile printing and dyeing wastewater, we used the natural nanoporous filter material in the challenged adsorption tests. By the different concentrations of the dye liquid, the adsorbent was uniformly distributed and absorbed with different times in this tests, and then had been measured by a spectrophotometer. In addition, the different environmental effects of adsorbent dosages and temperatures on the dye removal by the nanoporous pore filter were also investigated. Our goal will be to develop a novel and natural adsorbents with mathematic simulation models that would help to set up the industrial absorption condition with low cost and even lower secondary pollution.


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