  • 期刊


Integrating Gender Issues into the Teaching of Art Appreciation at University Level




The researchers are aware of the importance of gender equality education is to integrate gender equality education into the university art appreciation curriculum. The study explores how the incorporation of gender issues into the curriculum can help to enhance both students' gender equality concepts and their art appreciation capabilities. The study makes use of observation, interviews, documentary analysis, and a questionnaire survey to examine the effects of integrating gender issues into university-level art appreciation teaching. The research results showed that with regard to awareness of gender issues, students were able to: understand how traditional gender roles affect individuals' learning and development; appreciate that housework responsibilities should be shared; realize that, when faced with gender discrimination in the workplace, one can choose to use one's actions and attitude to demonstrate one's capabilities; demonstrate respect for transgender people. In regard to art appreciation, students were able to use description, analysis, interpretation and judgment to appreciate art works, films etc. of different types. Finally, the students were also able to utilize the methods of art appreciation to analyze short films that embody or challenge gender stereotypes, and were able to compile reports that demonstrated an enhanced awareness of gender issues.


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