  • 期刊

Effects of Plyometric Training on Power and Power-Endurance in High School Basketball Players



目的:本研究的目的在探討增強式訓練對於高中籃球選手爆發力與爆發耐力的影響。方法:20位男性高中籃球選手(年齡範圍16-19歲)自願參與本研究。所有受試者在測力板上進行各種類的垂直跳測驗,以測量垂直跳的力量、速度與功率輸出情形。受試者在固定式腳踏車上進行溫蓋特無氧動力測驗,並於運動前、運動後第5分鐘與第30分鐘,利用指尖採血方式測量血乳酸濃度。當所有受試者完成上述測試之後,隨機分成兩組-實驗組與控制組。受試者的8週訓練計畫包含日常的籃球訓練課表與重量訓練計畫。再者,實驗組另須完成每週兩次的增強式訓練課表。兩組受試者在8週訓練之後,須再接受相同的實驗測驗。結果:實驗組在溫蓋特無氧動力測驗的最高無氧動力與平均動力,在訓練後均顯著地增進;然而,動力遞減率則無顯著改變。兩組受試者在訓練前的血乳酸濃度值,並無顯著差異。但是,在訓練後,實驗組的運動前血乳酸值,則顯著地低於控制組(實驗組vs.控制組,0.95±0.18 vs. 1.50±0.35mM•(L上標-1),p<.05)。實驗組在訓練後,顯著地增加1/2蹲舉1RM肌力、蹲踞跳(squat jumps)與下蹲跳(counter movement jump)運動表現。然而,控制組在訓練後僅顯著地增加1/2蹲舉1RM肌力。在訓練後,兩組受試者連續跳(continue jumps)的總跳躍次數(實驗組:42.0±15.8到45.6±15.7次,p>.05;控制組:46.9±14.8到45.0±10.8次,p>.05)以及總功率輸出(實驗組:991.1±484.7到1191.4±622.5 W.(㎏上標-1),p>.05;控制組:1193.5±412.0到1214.5±408.4 W•(㎏上標-1),p>.05),均無顯著改變。結論:本研究的結果顯示,8週增強式訓練與重量訓練可以促進高中籃球選手的垂直跳與爆發力表現,但是並無法增進爆發耐力表現。


PURPOSE: This study examined the effects of plyometric training on power and power-endurance performance in high school basketball players. METHODS: Twenty male basketball players aged 16-19 participated in this study. Several types of vertical jump tests were performed on a force platform to measure force, velocity, and power production during vertical jumping. The Wingate anaerobic test was performed on a bicycle ergometer, and the blood lactate concentrations were assessed before and at 5 and 30 minutes after the test. Subjects completed these test and were randomly divided into two groups, control and treatment .All subjects completed the usual preseason basketball on-court training and a weight-training program. Furthermore, the treatment group completed 8 weeks of plyometric training. Both groups were retested at the completion of the training period. RESULTS: The peak and mean power of the Wingate anaerobic test were significantly improved in the treatment group; however, the percent fatigue was unchanged. There were no significant differences in blood lactate concentrations over time in the pre-training between the two groups. In particular, the blood lactate concentration at pre-test in post-training in the treatment group was significantly lower than the control group (treatment vs. control, 0.95±0.18 vs. 1.50±0.35 mM•L-1, p < .05). The treatment group produced significant increases in 1RM half-squat strength, squat jumps (SJ) and counter movement jump (CMJ) performance over the training period. However, there were significant differences only on the 1RM half-squat strength in the control group after training. There were no significant differences in the numbers of jumps (treatment: 42.0±15.8 to 45.6±15.7 times, p > .05; control: 46.9±14.8 to 45.0±10.8 times, p > .05), and total power output (treatment: 991.1±484.7 to 1l91.4±622.5 W.kg-1, p> .05; control: 1l93.5±412.0 to 1214.5±408.4 W•kg-1, p>.05) during CJ (continuous jumps) after training. CONCLUSION: These results lend support to the effectiveness of an 8-weeks combination of weight and plyometric training for improving vertical jump and power performance in high school basketball players, but not power-endurance performance.
