  • 期刊


DISH Syndrome as an Underlying Cause of Dysphagia - Case Report


吞嚥困難或喉異物感是耳鼻喉科門診病人常見的主訴,由於頸部骨刺所引起的吞嚥困難並不罕見,但是須作詳細的病史詢問、理學及放射線檢查、並排除其他原因的鑑別診斷後才可確定。本篇討論了一個主訴吞嚥困難來院求診的病例,原先的診斷懷疑為下咽腫瘤,最後確定為瀰漫性過度骨化增生(diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis, DISH) 症候群合併急性發炎所引起的。因為門診時可能會有類似的病人求診,在此特別針對此病症提出討論。(中耳醫誌 2000:35:271-274)


Patients complaining of a swallowing disturbance are frequently encountered in ENT prac-tice Elucidation of the pathology causing the swallowing disturbance revolves around detailed history taking, thorough physical examination and appropriate imaging studies. This report describes a 61 –year-old male patient presenting with dysphagia of acute onset.Hypopharyngeal malignancy was presumed initiallt and rigid larungoscopic biopsy was performed. Howere, pathology resulolgy results described tissue inflammation but no malignancy Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis(DISH) syndrome was finally dingnosed based on clinical features and characterisitic cervical spine imaging. The symptome improved after treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory agents. Since DISH syndrome is not uncommon, a lateral view neck X-ray should be performed to exclude cervical spine disease in patients with a swallowing disturbance.


Dysphagia Forestier's disease
