  • 期刊


2013 China Democracy Watch




The year 2013 is a beginning of a new chapter for the People's Republic of China. Just at the end of 2012, the Communist Party of China held its 18th National Congress and confirmed Xi Jinping as the18th Central Committee's General Secretary by voting. Hu Jintao, the 17th Central Committee's General Secretary, presented a keynote political report, "Firmly March on the Path of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and Strive to Complete the Building of A Moderately Prosperous Society in All Respects," which was ratified by the Party's congress. It meant that all of the party members agreed to pass the political leadership to a new generation represented by Xi Jinping to achieve these important political goals in his five year term of office. These important political goals clearly include facilitating "Intra-party Democracy" and reforming political structure of the State, the latter directly related the issue of China's democratization. This article aims to examine the development of the People's Republic of China's political structure reform in Xi Jinping's first year term of the Communist Party of China's general secretary and the republic's president in 2013, and the democratic development of the two special administrative regions, Hong Kong and Macao, under the regime of the Communist's party state.


王勇兵,2006,〈黨內民主發展路徑〉,《人民網》,北京:人民日報社,2006 年5 月17 日。
