



  • 期刊
Yung-I LEE Sheng-Kun YU Pei-Chun LIAO 以及其他 2 位作者

This report presents one new hybrid orchid of Taiwan, i.e., Gastrochilus ×hsuehshanensis which resulted from hybridization between G. formosanus and G. rantabunensis. Also, the existence of both Cyrtosia javanica and Cypripedium macranthos in Taiwan is questionable, and these were excluded from the Taiwanese orchid flora.

  • 期刊
Kenji SUETSUGU Takuto SHITARA Narumi NAKATO 以及其他 2 位作者

Several individuals of an unknown taxon of Goodyera were discovered on Kozu Island, Japan. Detailed morphological investigation suggests that this taxon is considered as a natural hybrid between G. maximowicziana and G. velutina based on morphological characteristics, such as length of peduncle. Since the natural hybrid between G. maximowicziana and G. velutina was recently reported in Jeju Island, South Korea and described as G. ×maximo-velutina, here we recorded the first occurrence of G. ×maximo-velutina from Japan. Investigation on chromosome number among G. maximowicziana, G. velutina, and G. ×maximo-velutina provides the further support of hybrid status in G. ×maximo-velutina (Orchidaceae) from Kozu Island, Japan. We also discussed the utility of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA for detecting the hybrid between G. maximowicziana and G. velutina.

  • 期刊

A new species of orchid, Pseuderia samarana Z.D. Meneses & Cootes (Orchidaceae: Podochileae, Eriinae) from Samar Island, Philippines is described and illustrated. This is also a new generic record for the country. It is distinguished from other known species by the combination of the following characters: relatively smaller lanceolate leaves, minutely cuspidate bracts, 2-flowered raceme borne on short peduncle, narrower labellum, and entire clinandrium margins. Notes on its habitat and ecology, distribution, conservation status, and comparison with other closely related New Guinean species are also presented.

  • 期刊
Nobuyuki TANAKA Hidetoshi NAGAMASU Shuichiro TAGANE 以及其他 3 位作者

In the course of our intensive floristic inventories for the flora of Myanmar, a new species of the genus Sapria (Rafflesiaceae), S. myanmarensis Nob. Tanaka, Nagam., Tagane & M.M. Aung is described and photographed. In addition, S. himalayana Griff. f. albovinosa Bänziger & B. Hansen is newly recorded in the country. A key to the species of Sapria presently occurring in Myanmar is provided.

  • 期刊
Wen-Guang WANG Hou-Cheng XI Xing-Da MA 以及其他 4 位作者

Begonia austroyunnanensis, a new species from Yunnan (China) is described and illustrated. This new species is similar to B. subhowii in having short erect stems, obliquely ovate leaves and white flowers, but can be distinguished by its stem, petioles and peduncle having conspicuous, red, linear dots and the much longer abaxial wing of the capsule. A detailed description, data on distribution, ecology and an illustration are provided.

  • 期刊
Li-Yaung KUO Tian-Chuan HSU Yi-Shan CHAO 以及其他 11 位作者

Ferns and lycophytes of Taiwan display an extraordinarily high diversity. Despite the detailed species documentation, the pteridophyte flora of Taiwan as a whole has never been organized into a phylogenetic framework. Here we provide an updated, phylogeny-based checklist that includes a total of 824 (infra)species taxa, of which eleven are first recorded. In addition, lectotypification of Phlegmariurus salvinioides and new combinations of 25 taxa were made in this study. Our classification scheme is based on the most recent phylogenetic evidence, and for all taxon names accepted here, we provide their best corresponding names in Taiwanese Mandarin. Our appendix and the online file also supply other details, such as synonyms, for the Taiwanese pteridophytes in order to track their nomenclatural changes from the previous floristic documentations. Finally, a discussion group for our community-Taiwan Pteridophyte Group (TPG)- is established online. This platform will allow more users to follow further updates of TPG or to provide any comments on new versions of Taiwan pteridophyte checklist.

  • 期刊
Cindy Q. TANG Diao-Shun HUANG Peng-Bin HAN 以及其他 5 位作者

Dipentodon sinicus is an extant relict plant of East Asia. It is a small deciduous broad-leaved tree, the sole surviving representative of the Dipentodonaceae. We investigated forest features, population structure, and regeneration dynamics of forest stands containing this species in Caojian Forest Station of Yunnan Province and Yushe National Forest Parks of Guizhou Province, southwestern China. We identified six forest types: Carpinus kweichowensis-Liquidambar formosana-Lithocarpus glaber-Dipentodon sinicus forest (Type 1); Illicium simonsii-Salix matsudana-Schima khasiana-Dipentodon sinicus forest (Type 2); Dipentodon sinicus forest (Type 3); Dipentodon sinicus-Schima khasiana forest (Type 4); Dipentodon sinicus-Tetracentron sinense forest (Type 5); Pterocarya macroptera var. delavayi-Tetracentron sinense-Populus yunnanensis-Salix matsudana forest (Type 6). Among the six forest types, D. sinicus forest (Type 3) had the lowest values in species richness, Shannon-Wiener and Simpson's diversity indices. The maximum age of D. sinicus was 54 years, reaching 34 cm DBH, with 14 m maximum height. Its frequency distribution in DBH-and age-class displayed a sporadic pattern in various forests. Its regeneration was more active in D. sinicus forest (Type 3), Dipentodon sinicus-Tetracentron sinense forest (Type 5), and Carpinus kweichowensis-Liquidambar formosana- Lithocarpus glaber-Dipentodon sinicus forest (Type 1) than that in the other forests (Types 2, 4 and 6). D. sinicus' growth rate generally fluctuated from 1.15 to 5.62 mm/year. Its regeneration modes were seedlings and sprouts. Its seedling establishment depends on forest gaps formation by disturbances. It is clear that the population persistence of D. sinicus was maintained in habitats where natural disturbances were frequent.

  • 期刊
Bernard OMOMOH Victor ADEKUNLE Amadu LAWAL 以及其他 1 位作者

The relationship of soil seed bank and above vegetation of secondary forest of Akure forest reserve investigated in this study. This was carried out by assessing the seedling emergence of soil seed bank taken from the secondary forest. In the aboveground vegetation, all sapling below 10 cm (DBH <10 cm) within 100 cm by 100 cm quadrants were identified and their girths taken using digital Vernier caliper and all trees species (DBH >10 cm) within 50 m by 50 m plot size were also identified and diameter at breast height were measured. Data were collected from seeds emergence of soil seed bank and above vegetation, in strict nature reserve, four-five (45) woody species (40 trees and 5 shrubs) were encountered, a total of 5 families distributed into 7 species and 7 genera in sapling while seedling emergence were observed at different depths of soil seed bank; at 0-3 cm depth (1 fern, 1 climber and 7 herbs), 3-6 cm depth (5 herbs, 1 woody species, 1 climber, 1 fern), 6-9 cm depth (5 herbs, 1 tree and 1 ferns. The soil seed bank could thus play an important role in knowing the status of regeneration potential of this strict nature reserve forest. However, the high dominant species in the soil seed bank suggest that where such forest is disturbs the likely plants species to pioneer the succession and restorations are these herbaceous species encountered.

  • 期刊
Hsin-Yi YU Ching-Yi LIN Wen-Jyh YU 以及其他 1 位作者

Risso's dolphin occurs in tropical and temperate waters worldwide, and is one of the most common cetacean species in Taiwanese waters. This study attempted to reveal its distribution in water-depth ranges and variations in group size and composition (with or without mother-calf pairs). Based on sighting records from experienced whale-watching guides on board whale-watching boats operated in eastern Taiwan, 1630 sightings of Risso's dolphin were recorded from 3939 touring trips near Hualien County from 1998 to 2014. Comparing the frequency distribution of water depths between ship tracks and dolphin sightings, we found that Risso's dolphin commonly occurred on the continental shelf and slope, and mainly stayed in waters of 300~1500 m in depth, with a mean of 862.1 ± 12.3 m (standard error). The frequency distribution of water depths showed a significant difference between sites (deeper in the Shirti area than in the Hualien area), but no significant difference was detected among various group sizes. Nevertheless, the spatial distribution significantly varied with group composition, but not with group size. Groups with mother-calf pairs stayed in significantly shallower water, which was proposed to be related to predator avoidance. In addition, the large fluctuation in annual sighting ratios of Risso's dolphin that ranged 0.1~0.7 sightings per trip during the 17-year period may be related to variations in prey abundances, the confirmation of which requires future investigation.

  • 期刊

Based on our morphological observation, we proposed two new Sedum species in Taiwan. Sedum kwanwuense sp. nov. resembles S. morrisonense. However, it differs from the latter in having flatter and longer leaves, and occurring in different habitat, the former growing on humid, rocky slopes under the forest and the latter living on dry rocky slopes beyond the forest. Sedum taiwanalpinum sp. nov. is similar to S. brachyrinchum, but it can be distinguished from the latter by sepal and leaf morphologies (leaf linear-oblong to linear vs. spathulate to linear-oblong, and sepal unequal to subequal, spreading when blossom vs. unequal in length, erect to oblique when blossom). Our observations were supported by a former phylogenetic study. In this paper, besides providing taxonomic descriptions and line drawings of the two new taxa, we also organize an update key to native and naturalized species in Sedum in Taiwan for aiding the identification.