



  • 期刊

We describe four new ambrosia beetle species of the tribe Xyleborini, Cyclorhipidion beaveri Lin & Smith sp. nov., Cyclorhipidion cognatoi Lin & Smith sp. nov., Cyclorhipidion hsuae Lin & Smith sp. nov., and Cyclorhipidion wui Lin & Smith sp. nov., which complete their lifecycle on the host plant Castanopsis cuspidata var. carlesii (Hemsl.) Yamazaki (Fagaceae). Five newly recorded species, Anisandrus ursulus (Eggers, 1923), Arixyleborus minor (Eggers, 1940), Coptodryas mus (Eggers, 1930), Cyclorhipidion japonicum (Nobuchi, 1981), and Xyleborinus octiesdentatus (Murayama, 1931) are reported in Taiwan for the first time. We provide brief diagnoses, photographic images and biological information for each species in Taiwan.

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Zamia furfuracea is a cycad endemic to coastal habitats of southeast Mexico and of high ecological and horticultural importance. It is threatened with extinction due to the declining population size, caused mainly by livestock raising, urban development, and poor environmental management. This work aimed to determine the genetic diversity and structure of six natural populations of Z. furfuracea throughout their known distribution range. To determine the genetic variation, ten molecular markers of repeated simple sequences (SSR) were used. A Bayesian assignment model, molecular variance analysis and bottleneck tests, and identification of loci with non-neutral heritage were also performed. A lower genetic diversity was identified in the southern population (Capulteolt). Four genetic groups were identified (K = 4). Ancestral polymorphism and management resulted in an increased genetic similarity between the populations of "Ciénega del Sur," "Toro Prieto," and "Playa Escondida". "Capulteolt" was the most differentiated population; a historical reduction in the population size was observed, leading to the loss of some alleles by putative directional natural selection. This study reveals the "Capulteolt" population's low genetic diversity as well as the presence of increased differentiation in the geographical limits of the species' distribution range.

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Recent botanical explorations in the province of Benguet, Philippines have resulted in the discovery of a new ginger species, namely Boesenbergia igorota Tad-o & Napal., which is described and illustrated here, including the information on its phenology, ecology, conservation status, distribution, habitat, and surrounding floral species.

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Lysimachia sedoides, a rare new species of Primulaceae from a karst cave in northern Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. It is similar to L. rupestris F.H.Chen & C.M.Hu in having rosette leaves and copiously glandular dots on young parts of shoot apex, but differs markedly in the smaller plant size, fleshy leaf blade, with a size of 10-30 × 3-8 mm, and the length of offsets never exceeding 5 cm.

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The Doi BUI Huu Cuong NGUYEN Leonid V. AVERYANOV 以及其他 2 位作者

Lysionotus hagiangensis, a new species from northern Vietnam, is described and illustrated. It morphologically resembles L. chatungii and L. petelotii, but differs markedly by the character of leaf, inflorescence, corolla color, the shape of stamens, and the number of well developed staminodes. We provide detailed information, including morphological descriptions, illustrations, pictures, and information about the habitat of the new species. Lysionotus hagiangensis is confined to a small area of Cao Ma Po Commune, and further explorations are necessary for identification of its real conservation status, which is provisionally assessed now as "Data Deficient" in accordance with IUCN criteria.

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Cheng LIU Xiao-Jian HU Jin-Ping ZHANG 以及其他 2 位作者

Pentasacme malipoense C. Liu & Y.H. Tan and P. tubulosum C. Liu, X.J. Hu & Y.H. Tan are two new species from Yunnan, China, which are described and illustrated in this study. Molecular phylogenies using the nrITS, rps16 and trnT-F datasets support these two new species formed a clade in the genus Pentasacme, then as the sister to P. caudatum, which is the only Chinese species hitherto included in phylogenetic studies. Pentasacme tubulosum can be clearly distinguished from the other five recognized species of this genus by its tubular corolla and tube much longer than lobes. Pentasacme malipoense is characterized by having campanulate and deeply lobed corolla, tube much shorter than lobes, corolline coronas present and inverted conical style-head, which is remarkably different from its sister species P. tubulosum. In addition, P. malipoense differs from P. caudatum by the reddish pedicels and calyces, oblong-lanceolate corolla lobes, staminal coronas present and inverted conical style-head, and from P. wallichii and P. shanense by its lanceolate leaf blades, reddish pedicels and calyces, both corolline coronas and staminal coronas present, purple-red anther appendages and inverted conical style-head. Furthermore, for illustrating the two species, diagnostic characters, photographs, morphological descriptions, distribution, and habitat are also provided, as well as the geographical distribution and the diagnostic key to all recognized species of Pentasacme.

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Wisnu H. ARDI I Made ARDAKA Yayan W. C. KUSUMA 以及其他 2 位作者

Two new Begonia species from the Moluccas, Indonesia, are described: Begonia fairchildii and B. moluccana, Photo plates, notes on their distributions, habitat preferences, provisional IUCN conservation assessments and a key to Moluccan Begonia species are provided. Both species are provisionally assessed as Data Deficient (DD) regarding their conservation status.

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Rafi ULLAH Nasrullah KHAN Zoya BAIG 以及其他 1 位作者

Xanthium strumarium L. is native to North America and rapidly spreading in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Pakistan as an alien invasive plant species (AIPs) and possess a severe threat to crops. Hence this study was conducted to assess socioeconomic impacts on agriculture, livestock, and biodiversity along with the mode of invasion, spread, and willingness to pay for its eradication in selected areas of KP Pakistan. Methods: Three divisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province , i.e. Malakand, Peshawar, and Hazara, were selected for the study. The respondents were divided into two categories, i.e., agricultural and non-agricultural. The respondent's information was collected using a closed-ended questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed and interpreted by tabulation in excel 2010, and variation was tested using online chi-square tests. Results: Most respondents believed that the plant preferred to grow on the roadside and wasteland, affecting crops, especially maize, and infesting the areas for more than 20 years with regular and timely increased infestation. Livestock animals are affected severely in health and products. The chi-square test results indicated that the agricultural communities were affected more than non-agricultural communities. The invasion of the species has affected people's livelihood to the extent that they would spend money on its eradication/control. Biodiversity effects were severe in all the areas, as revealed by decreased species richness index in invaded sites. Conclusions: We concluded that cash crops and communities' economic value suffered severely from the invasion of X. strumarium, and therefore integrated management is needed for its control and eradication.

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Haifeng DING Zhaohui ZHANG Zhihui WANG 以及其他 2 位作者

In this study, three moss species (Bryum argenteum, Rhynchostegium subspeciosum and Orthotrichum dasymitrium) and one lichen species (Parmelia saxatilis) were sampled to monitor the levels of toxic elements along a section of a gorge road for assessing the enrichment ability of these species and the effects of toxic elements at different elevations. Hierarchical clustering was used to classify samples based on geographic data and ICP-MS to determine the contents of toxic elements in each plant. Based on the obtained levels of enrichment factors (EF), metal accumulation index (MAI) and geoaccumulation index (I_(geo)), Bryum argenteum (highest MAI and I_(geo)) was identified as the most suitable biomonitoring species. PMF source analysis showed that the main pollution sources were traffic dust (45%) and other traffic emissions (43%). Road pollution was alarming as high Pb, As and Cr levels were detected as the most important pollutants. The levels of toxic element depositions along the road of the Karst gorge area increased with rising elevation. The vertical distribution of pollutants was affected by temperature, topography, dominant winds and pollutant emissions. However, some variations in the distribution in similar areas were also observed.

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Sheng-Kun YU Chiu-Mei WANG Kuo-Hsiung WANG 以及其他 1 位作者

This report presents one new orchid of Taiwan, viz., Bulbophyllum cryptomeriicola T.P. Lin and S.K. Yu. Bulbophyllum cryptomeriicola is a member of the section Ephippium with a sub-umbellate inflorescence, ciliate upper sepal and petals, glabrous lateral sepals which are much longer than the median one, and a stelidium without a tooth.