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The purpose of this study was to investigate the involvement of respiratory muscle and lung volume in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The index of respiratory muscle weakness and lung volume included forced vital capacity, the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second and forced vital capacity, and chest excursion. Sixteen boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (age ranged from 6 to 13 years old) and thirty-three healthy school boys with matched age, body height and weight were included in this study. All subjects were asked to take their maximal inspiration and then exhale fully in the tests. Forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume in 1 second were measured with spirometer in supine and sitting position. The chest excursion was measured the changes of rib circumference with a plastic centimeter tape at the level of xiphoid process. Our findings confirmed that children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy had lower forced vital capacity (l.4±0.3ℓ), % predicted forced vital capacity (78.4±16.8%) than normal controls. However, the ratio of forced expiratory volume in 1 second and forced vital capacity in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (93.5±7.3%) were similar to normal controls. Therefore, there was lung volume restriction in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The chest excursion at the level of xiphoid process was significantly smaller in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (2.5+1.6cm). This might be the effects of alternation in the elastic properties of the lungs and chest wall due to respiratory muscles weakness. Differences in vital capacity between the upright and supine postures were small, it represented the relative preservation of diaphragm function in DMD.

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自民國七十一年八月至七十二年十二月私立振興復健醫學中心小兒麻痺症患者有骨盆傾斜者203人,弱側下肢骨盆上傾者103人,骨盆下斜者100人,經分析發現骨盆上傾者驅幹肌肉衰弱(70% fair、30% trace/poor、0% good)與脊椎側彎(77%)的比例甚高,而且兩者在程度上互有關聯性,與上傾角度也有正相關,強側下肢肌力也頗衰弱,95%坐姿重心落在強側臀部。骨盆下斜者軀幹肌力較為強壯,只有6%有輕微的脊椎側彎,強側下肢肌力強壯者多,82%坐姿重心落在弱側下肢的臀部,因而判斷骨盆上傾者主因脊髓灰白質炎波及軀幹肌肉,而骨盆下斜者主因下肢麻痺所帶來的繼發性畸型。

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腕隧道症候群是一般電學診斷檢查室最常見的一種壓迫性神經病變,由於電學診斷可提供對神經生理變化上的了解,對此病的診斷有很大幫助,另外在治療上也可提供一個重要的指標,並可作為其預後的評估方法。 電學診斷應用於腕隧道症候群的方法很多,大多以神經傳導檢查正中感覺神經手指至腕部及手掌至腕部的傳導時間與傳導速度,及運動神經傳導時間等;另外以針肌電圖也可測其病變引起的神經與肌肉變化,本文例舉各種電學診斷方法,並以台大醫院復健科124位腕隧道症候群患者所得結果及參考國外學者的研究結果來探討其在臨床上的應用。

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Functional Electrical Stimulation (F.E.S.) for spasticity Control in Clinical Studies are numerous. The purposes of this study were to examine the effectiveness of F.E.S for initiating and normalizing the ankle dorsiflexors muscle tone in stroke patients during the first 6 months post onset and for evaluating the correlation between F.E.S and proprioceptive sensation improvement. Ninety stroke patients were randomly divided into three groups. Group A was the control group receiving the regular physical therapy. In group B, F.E.S was applied on dorsiflexors of the affected side only while the patient was supine, first for 15 minutes with hip at 30º flexion, knee extension and then 15 minutes in neutral position. In group C, F.E.S was applied similarly but on both sides reciprocally. Each patient's dorsiflexor muscle conditions were evaluated at the beginning and at the end of the course of treatment. Some patients experienced rather sudden return of voluntary ankle movements after only a few F.E.S applications. The results showed that the ankle motion scores of group C were significantly higher than those of group A (p<0.05 using BMDP 3S Kruskal-Wallis test). No significant differences in proprioceptive improvement were noted among three groups. It is suggested that the reciprocal stimulation application of F.E.S be considered for inclusion as a regular part of treatment for stroke patients in the initial stage, to stimulate ankle motion, to maintain walking pattern while the patient is bed ridden and to counter synergy.

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From 1985 July to 1988 Feb., 83 patients of osteoarthritis knee were studied in the Dept of Orthopaedic Surgery. There were 19 males and 64 females. Among them, 23 patients (21 ♀) involved both knees. In term of age, there were only 5 patients under 30 years old (6.02%). In contrary, there were 58 patients who were more than 45 of age (69.88%). It is obvious that the degenerated osteoarthritis is more common in the aged. Fifity-two patients were obese in this series (62.65%), and there were 44 females (84.62%) and 8 males. There is no statistically significant differnece (P<0.05). Therefore, we can make a conclusion that the obese females are easier to get the osteoarthritic knee. The pattern of daily activity living also affected the formation of degenerated arthritis. 74.7% of the total subjects were laborers or hyperactive career. 25.3% of them did light work. In those labor workers, the higher incidence to get injury of soft tissue or joint, the more popularity to get degenerated arthritis. Many ahtuors concerned that the history of trauma was a major facotr to cause degenerated arthritis, but we couldn't demonstrate the relationship between the trauma factor and the incidence of osteoarthritis from this study.

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關節固定(immobilization)長久時間後,引起的攣縮(contracture)是一般骨科病人常見後遺症。低重量及長時間伸長(low-load prolonged stretch)已多次被證實比短時間及高重量伸展(high-load brief stretch)效果好。長時間伸展可改變組識黏性,使組識產生最大殘餘伸長(residual elongation)和最小傷害。熱與伸展合併產生的永久性伸長比熱或伸展單獨使用好得多。本文報告利用Light,K.E等人所改良之Buck's skin traction,並合併水療、肌力訓練、行走訓練和關節調整術(Joint Mobilization),治療因韌帶傷害或骨折後手術治療後仍合併有膝關節屈曲性攣縮(Flexion contracure)之7位病患,所得之結果。膝伸長角度對步態影響頗巨,即使在些微的伸直角度限制,仍會影響行走姿勢,所以儘可能達到正常值,本文所報告為沿著脛骨方向之牽引方式,不但使結締組織拉長外,尚包括膝關節之關展(distraction),因而增加了股一經關節面活動(femorotibial joint play),是一種操作簡單,病患不感覺疼痛,且效果相當良好之方法。

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