
台灣醫學/Formosan Journal of Medicine



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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) on physical fitness and health in the community program of short-term TCC training for new practitioners. A total of 34 volunteers with average age of 46.3 years were recruited and completed the study. They participated in the training program of Jeng-Tzu TCC twice a week for two months. They performed the test of physical fitness and questionnaire before and after the program. After the training program, the results showed their flexibility (p<0.001), sense of balance (p<0.05) and muscle endurance (p<0.05) became better than before. The mean body weight decreased 0.6kg (p<0.05) and BMI decreased 0.2 kg/m^2 (p<0.001), but there was no change in the composition of body fat. The index of cardiopulmonary function by step test was improved but no statistically significance. The systolic blood pressure (BP) dropped 8.3mmHg (p<0.05) among the group of systolic BP>120mmHg, but there was no significant change in diastolic BP among the group of diastolic BP>80mmHg. The resting pulse rate decreased 6.1 beat per minute after training (p<0.05). Because there was no limitation of facility, space or time to practice TCC, the majority of the practitioners regarded TCC as best exercise and preferred it to be the leisure activity in their daily life. They also considered TCC is a good improvement for their vitality, quality of life, health or rehabilitation. And it helped to release life pressure and to relieve the symptoms of fatigue, back pain, or insomnia. Most practitioners felt more interested in TCC and more satisfactory to their health after participating in the program.

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行動電話的發明,帶來許多生活上及商務上的便利性,然而使用行動電話與電磁波暴露相關的健康危害議題,逐漸成為大眾矚目的焦點。本研究的目的在於以系統性文獻回顧研究方法,探討使用行動電話對於罹患聽神經瘤危險性的醫學文獻證據。本研究依循系統性文獻回顧的方式,在Medline、Embase、Cochrane Library、中華民國期刊論文索引系統等資料庫進行文獻搜尋,並進一步在所搜尋出來的文獻之參考文獻中,搜尋和研究主題相關的醫學研究。對於搜尋出來的醫學文獻,將會由兩位獨立的文獻回顧者,分別進行文獻品質的評估和文獻資料的擷取,如有不同的意見時,將會由第三位文獻回顧者,進行仲裁以達成共識。對於由文獻擷取出來的資料,本研究將嘗試進行統合分析。依設定的搜尋條件,本研究總共找到6篇與使用行動電話和罹患聽神經瘤的相關醫學文獻報告,這些文獻都是病例對照研究。在這6篇文獻中有4篇文獻的品質是良好的,有2篇的文獻品質為普通。這6篇文獻的結果有部分的分歧。有2篇研究顯示使用行動電話可能會增加罹患聽神經瘤的危險性,但也有另外4篇研究否定上述的推論。在統合分析方面,本研究發現使用行動電話的相對危險比為0.94(95%信賴區間0.80-1.11),在統計上不顯著而且比值十分接近1。以目前的醫學研究而言,並沒有足夠的臨床證據顯示,使用行動電話會增加罹患聽神經瘤的危險性。這些關於使用行動電話的研究,仍有一些研究方法上的限制,導致推論上的困難。未來仍需要有更多相關的研究,來釐清行動電話的使用和人體健康的相關性。