
北體學報/Tpec Press



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The purpose of this research was to explore the opinions taken from kindergarten teachers when ”compiling test methods on the sporting ability of children”, their ascertained design perspective, conceptual focus, and the test objectives used. The research materials place secondary importance on the basis of symbolic studies applied by the kindergarten teachers when compiling test methods on the sporting ability of children. The findings of the reflected opinions of 92 local kindergarten teachers obtained through investigation after statistical analysis and discussion are as follows: 1. During regular distribution testing, this research did not meet the notable standard of P>.2000 in ”design perspective”, ”conceptual focus”, nor the ”test objectives”. The result of comparable headcount distribution also indicated deviation. These findings suggested that kindergarten teachers have viewed the various principles stated in this research as suitable basis when compiling test methods on the sporting ability of children. 2. None of the leveled variation analysis test results have met the difference (p<.05), hence further proved the findings in the regular distribution.

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The purpose of this research was to explore the opinions of physical education teachers from colleges/universities regarding design perspective, conceptual focus, test models and the test objectives on the development of test for the motor ability of children,. The current study emphasized on the theoretical basis for the development. Research results reflected by 33 effective samples based on investigative data after statistical analysis and discussion are as follows: In normal distribution of test result, four from ”design perspective”, one from ”conceptual focus”, and three each from ”test models” and ”test objectives”, did not reach the criteria of P>.2000. In comparable frequency distribution, the opinions that did not reach P>.2000 regular distribution were considered by physical education teachers of physical education as acceptable theoretical basis when compiling test methods on the motor ability of children. The Friedman two-way analysis of variance provided further support on normal distribution of the surveyed opinion.

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本研究目的在探究國內高(職)、大專院校幼教科系教師『編製幼兒運動能力測驗』時,其設計觀點,構思重點,強調的測驗模式,以及把握的測驗目標。研究題材著重在編製幼兒運動能力測驗方法的立論基礎。分析討論37位有效樣本所反映的調查結果發現,幼教科系教師對編製幼兒運動能力測驗反映意見如下圖示: (圖略)

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The goal of this research is to make use of ”Multi Regression Theory” in order to discover some unrevealed records. These records can be used for our training references such as Green Hit(GH), Fairway Hit(FH), Sand Saves(SS), Putting Average(PA), Driving Average(DA), Longest Drive(LD), Birdie Average(BA), Score Average(SA), and etc. Some summaries are obtained after discussion and analysis. 1. The 91% of Score average variety can be explained by three major facts. Those facts are Green Hit (GH), Putting Average (PA), and Sand Saves (SS) (P<0.5). 2. According to? Multi Resurvive Theory, expected score can be achieved by following formulas. Unstandardized Recursive Formula SA=-0.17GH+11.1PA-0.01SS+65.23 Standardized Recursive Formula Zsa=-0.95GH+0.71Zpa-0.31Zss.

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運動時液體的補充主要是預防可能造成脫水的問題,它除了補充水分、維持運動時生理的電解質平衡、降低因運動而持續增加的體溫、降低循環系統的壓力外,尚可藉著補充醣類飲料而提昇成績表現。胃排空的速率是影響液體和營養素在小腸吸收的最主要因素。影響胃排空的因素有液體體積、熱能含量、滲透壓、運動、酸鹼值、水和作用。而影響腸方面吸收的有醣類本身(低濃度的醣和鈉可增加吸收速度)、滲透壓(低壓到等張溶液、並含些鹽和葡萄糖可增加吸收速度)。運動時液體補充的設計,除了水分外,尚需考慮維持滲透壓、電解質平衡的鈉、鉀、氯、鎂等,還有醣類和味道,而其他方面,目前已有學者在研發添加維生素及其他抗氧化壓力的物質於飲料中,達到增加成績表現的目的。建議運動前最適當的補充溶液是6%、鈉為90-120 mmol/L的醣類-電解質溶液,醣類需包含果糖、蔗糖等其他的不同分子,如此可分散不同的吸收路徑。運動中醣類的補充方面,使用高昇糖指數(Glycemic Index; GI)的液體,可以節省肌肉肝醣的使用,4.4%葡萄糖、Na為20 mmol/L、K為2.4 mmoL、Cl為15.3 mmol/L的葡萄糖-電解質溶液,結果血漿中鈉和氯的濃度如同運動前一般。耐力性運動後肝醣的回補,要選擇中高GI的液體或食物。剛運動結束時,需立刻每2小時補充50-75克中高GI液體或食物,直到每公斤體重7-10克止(約500克)。

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當人體由起跳至落地,在接觸地面時會產生地面反作用力,而這些作用力必須由人體來吸收掉。因此,當地面反作用力大於人體所能承受的範圍,易對於人體造成傷害,最常見的就是膝關節、踝關節和脛骨的傷害。因此一雙合適的籃球鞋,除了具有保護足部和減少下肢疲勞的功能外,最重要的是還必須具有吸震(shock absorption)的效果。 本實驗的目的是想瞭解體育系的籃球選手在穿上不同廠牌的籃球鞋,隨著高度的增加,落下時籃球鞋吸震的性能為何。其中以腳跟著地產生的最大垂直地面反作用力來分析其間的差異。 本研究以常用籃球鞋三雙,分別為NIKE、ADIDAS及AND 1作為研究對象。分別以未穿鞋與穿三種不同籃球鞋從四十、七十和一百公分高度降落著地於測力板上十次,每次測力板擷取地面反作用力樣本四秒,每秒取樣率1041赫玆。 本實驗結果發現,穿籃球鞋從七十公分高度落地時,其吸震能力為8.04%~13.31%,以AND 1籃球鞋吸收13.31%為最高。另外,從一百公分高度落地時,穿籃球鞋比未穿鞋減少7.63%~12.70%的垂直衝量,以ADIDAS籃球鞋的12.70%為最高,而在四十公分高度落地時沒有明顯的差異。