
語文與國際研究/Languages and International Studies



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The global coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has undermined our perspective of the world in substantial and profound ways. The familiar has become unapproachable; the safe seems vulnerable; and certainty has been replaced by unpredictability. This is not going to be a temporary situation. Instead, the impact and implications of this crisis stretch far and wide into every educational sector (streamlining of distance learning, readiness of digital learning tools and platforms, blended approaches for diverse learning needs, and ensuring awareness of data security and privacy) including the higher education system. Amidst a global pandemic which is forcing workplace and educational changes, adaptability is the key. This paper shares a progressive "pedagogical COVID-19 vaccine" characterized by our "Tandem Lessons for the 21st Century Learning" project, an ongoing inter-institutional action research (Two language specialized universities located in Taiwan and Japan) investigating the impact of tandem learning among English as lingua franca (ELF) learners at the tertiary level and in global virtual learning communities. Rather than simply attempting to conduct a language exchange platform, the project investigators/course instructors aim to engage three cohorts of students from different cultures and educational institutions to discuss and review issue-based reading materials drawn from "21 Lessons for the 21^(st) Century" (Harari, 2018) while using their target language, the lingua franca of English to communicate and develop writing and speaking tasks. Complying with the COVID-19 emergencies and school closures, this project is grounded in autonomous, reciprocal, collaborative and cooperative language learning contexts to legitimize learnership, strengthen connection, encourage conversations, and embrace diversity for 21st century global citizenship. In addition to the issue-focused project-based learning, the effective infusion of information technology tools and digital applications have acted like the veins conjoining the process and outcome of this tandem learning project. In other words, the constraints of traditional classroom and foreign language teaching have been unshackled while learning has been enhanced and augmented with the ubiquity and diffusion of digital and information technology (e.g., smartphones, social networking platforms, G-suite for Education, and software applications of multimodal discussion and presentation boards, etc.). This tandem learning project is also evaluated through the lens of the SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition) framework (Puentedura, 2013) to reassure quality teaching practices in project/lesson design with the hierarchical integration of digital technology. This SAMR model challenges the language educators to "teach above the line" moving from technology as a means to enhance teaching to an approach that transforms foreign language instruction. Many educators, including the three Tandem Lesson Project instructors across two partner institutions, have made a serious commitment to preparing students for the future by leveraging digital communication technologies. This commitment is guided by the understanding that instructional technology provides a vehicle to support autonomous learning and sustainable pedagogy in the foreign language classroom, both physically and virtually.

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2019年末發生了百年不遇的新冠肺炎(COVID-19),隨著疫情逐漸蔓延全球,使得我國如同世界許多國家一樣,採取封鎖方式抗疫。近年由於少子化的影響,我國大專院校境外生人數逐年增加,為使這批無法入境的學生學業不受影響、能如期畢業,學校與微軟公司合作,於108學年度第2學期開始,要求全校所有境外生修課班級的專兼任教師,皆必須使用MS Teams軟體遠距授課。本文旨在研究探討這個我國高等教育史無前例、大規模、遍及全台各大專院校的遠距教學,學生的看法為何?文中希望了解事項包括:學生對於口語課及讀寫課使用MS Teams教學的看法、對遠距考試的看法、遠距教學學習成效不佳的可能原因,及學生個人對上課方式的偏好。研究統計顯示:即使認為這是未來趨勢,學生們仍然認為基礎法語課使用遠距教學的效果並不好,而且「口說類」課程又比「讀寫類」課程的效果更差,絕大多數的學生還是較喜歡用傳統板書上課。然而,如果同時參考學生回覆的文字意見,結論則會成為:善於使用嶄新科技並結合傳統教學法特長的語言教師不容易被輕易取代。

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The deadly Coronavirus aka COVID-19 has brought the world to its knees, literally crashing down the global economy and destroying people's lives and their livelihood. Amid this pandemic, another viral chain of discourse has been brought about by the devastating consequences of COVID-19-one that is as deadly as the virus itself: racism, more specifically, anti-Chinese racist remarks. The construction of anti-Chinese sentiments was predominantly instigated by the fact that COVID-19 was first identified in Wuhan, China. As the virus spreads from the east to the west, the propensity to blame the nuances of the pandemic to China and to anything or anyone related to being Chinese has also increased. As Taiwanese students tend to travel abroad either for education or leisure purposes, the current anti-Chinese hostility puts them in a very vulnerable position as many of them bear physical resemblance to the mainlanders. The need to raise students' awareness about racism in the news has become more important than ever. This paper reports a corpus-based discourse analysis based on two self-created corpora drawn from 110 international news reports (articles) and the students' written responses (45 articles). Critical discourse analysis based on corpus linguistics (Baker, et al, 2008) using Voyant Tools (Sinclair & Rockwell, 2016), a web-based reading and analysis program for digital texts, was conducted to investigate word patterns that rose from collocations and concordance data, and the intensity of the patterns based on collocation trends, word frequency and word choice as visually presented in Cirrus (word cloud), and the correlational impact of these linguistic devices. These results were then interpreted using critical discourse analysis (CDA) theoretical framework of Van Dijk (1984, 2015), Fairclough (1995, 2001) and Wodak (2001) to evaluate the racist discourse, students’ attitudes and their mental and social representations that they share, which evoke fear, concerns, and resolutions. The findings suggest that their attitudes are not ingrained but are socially cultivated based on public discourse. The findings also imply that international news reports have the capability of spreading ideological views of anti-Chinese sentiments, i.e., framing the pandemic as "Chinese virus" or "Kung Flu" thus instigating further "discrimination" against "Asians" in general. The students' corpus shows a high frequency of the lemma "Taiwan/Taiwanese" and "help" signifying a strong sense of pride as an overwhelming majority felt that Taiwan is successfully leading the fight against COVID-19, thus explicitly drawing a clear demarcation line disassociating themselves from the "Chinese".

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The Coronavirus, known as COVID-19, has become a global problem due to its capacity to spread rapidly and human-to-human contagion, provoking a world disorder. Almost every country in the world was not expecting the brutal impact that COVID-19 brought into their economy and the daily life of its citizens. Spain, one of the first European countries severely affected by COVID-19, was also one of the frontrunners that led the implementation of safety measures such as the national quarantine and at-home confinement. After its first national lockdown, the Spanish Government started to carry out a national re-opening divided in 4 phases, which apparently was confronted with a mixture of conflicting (re)views published in leading newspapers, i.e., those who supported and those who were against the measures adopted during reopening. By conducting a corpus-based discourse analysis of various labels used and their semantic and pragmatic implications by two leading newspapers (El País and El Mundo), this study aims to investigate their discursive practices and how different political ideologies influence the labels they use, and vice versa. The resulting corpus, which consists of 400 articles with 362,383 tokens in total, was created and collected in May 2020, corresponding to the first fifteen days of Spain's reopening. A corpus-based investigation of media presentations of news which included the selection and categorization of lexis and the focus of reporting during the coronavirus epidemic was conducted. Taking a sociocognitive approach (Van Dijk, 2008) as the theoretical framework, the results in this study show that both newspapers focused especially on the problems that Madrid, the Spanish capital faced, i.e., political disagreements regarding the central government's questionable reliability and their readiness to confront the second wave of the outbreak. Moreover, this study finds that El País showed a predisposition to victimize the actions of the Spanish Government, while El Mundo is more direct with their news reporting on disagreements over the reopening measures. The labels, comments and ways of delivering information created a sense of fear among the Spanish citizens and loss of their trust, thus further rejecting the government policies and efforts to prevent, control, and respond to the pandemic. These events resulted in social and political fractures that threaten the unity of the Spanish citizens while a strong negative sentiment is becoming more visible every day.

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The COVID-19 crisis has been characterized by a rather intense "battle of narratives" presenting this pandemic as a threat to global peace and security, a threat to global food security, a "Chinese virus", a "turning point for globalization" or even "a God's punishment". In other words, the COVID-19 pandemic has been described according to different frames that the audience received with varying frequencies. This study proposes to focus on one of these frames, namely the one which has emphasized the interactive link between COVID-19 and "environment". This is the construction of COVID-19 as an "environmental health" issue that this article has studied through the qualitative news frame analysis of written media in four European countries - Austria, Belgium, France, and Germany - during the global outbreak. This research argues that newspapers in all these four European countries have emphasized the link between COVID-19 and the environment through a large number of articles and framed COVID-19 as an environmental health issue according to five specific frames, which have been produced by specific actors and had concrete societal impacts in these countries.