



  • 學位論文

本論文主要目的在研製具有均流控制之數位交錯式功率因數修正器,以達到減少電流漣波,並改善元件體積以及耐流,且可讓輸入電壓與輸入電流同相位以提升功率因數和調整輸出電壓。 本文新型均流控制是參考於龍門式架構,將兩軸位置誤差比擬為兩組昇壓型功率因數修正器電感電流誤差,並將兩組昇壓型功率因數修正器電感電流誤差互相補償以達到均流之功能,並與其他三種均流控制比較。 三種均流法則分別為功率分配均流法、主僕式均流法1及主僕式均流法2,根據實驗結果的驗證,均流效果較好的為功率分配均流法及龍門控制均流法,但功率分配均流法需在兩組電感值趨近相等的情況下,才能擁有最佳的均流效果,而龍門控制不需要平衡基準點,故在電感值有所誤差時也能擁有好的均流效果。

  • 學位論文

本文主旨在建立一套含有功率因數調整的磁阻馬達驅動控制系統。前級採 用單相升壓型AC-DC 轉換器,快速穩定的輸出直流電壓供變頻器使用。而變頻 器驅動開關式磁阻馬達,以完成轉速控制。由DSP TMS320F2812 控制最佳的 AC-DC 轉換器的功率開關切換時間,以獲得高功率因數與快速穩定的輸出電 壓。此控制器是由電流、電壓迴圈與負載電流注入法所組成,其增益是透過波 德圖設計法則所決定。本文提出的系統數學模式,已由Matlab/PSIM 建立與模 擬,以評估系統之效能。最後,使用數位信號處理器TMS320F2812 做為控制器 核心,經由電流與電壓控制器提供脈寬調變訊號做為前級單相升壓型AC-DC 轉 換器的開關切換控制之用。經由實驗的結果證實所提出的系統架構確實具有提 高功率因數、提高轉換效率以及降低電流諧波。 本論文所研製的磁阻馬達之功率因數修正器的規格包含:一輸入電壓為 110±15%伏特,輸出電壓為200 伏特及最大輸出功率為600 瓦特。以數位信號 處理器TMS320F2812 為基礎來設計與實現,由實驗結果顯示當輸入交流電壓在 90 伏特至120 伏特範圍內,在滿載時功率因數皆可高達0.90 以上,效率皆可達 96%以上。

  • 學位論文

Alzheimer’s disease (AD), also known as geriatric dementia, is the most common and serious form of dementia that affects individuals of old age. Gradual loss of memory and general cognitive functions is observed in AD subjects. The so called well-developed countries are categorized as aged societies where AD cases are increasing due to the higher life expectations. However, the traditional medicine is still unable to figure out the real causes of it. This is why there is a strong need for systems that are able to diagnose AD at early stage to slow down the mental decay of the subject. The thesis proposes a novel system to achieve this need that focuses on the brain cortical thickness and the hippocampus, which are specific brain components in charge of short-term and long-term memory. The main goal is to study the disease by giving a preliminary evaluation of the brain status of the patient by applying fuzzy systems. Inference value between 0 and 1 of contracting AD is the output of the system. The higher the value the more likely the subject may contract it in the future. The systems have been tested by running healthy (Control), schizophrenia (SCZ), age-associated memory impairment (AAMI) and mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients and they result in a reliable system with well-defined boundaries among the different pathology cases.

  • 學位論文

近年來隨著網路發展與資訊技術的進步與演進,許多企業的業務流程逐漸從實體的紙本操作提升為網路的資訊系統,當業務流程的操作資訊化,使得在效率方面有所提升,以提高競爭力。在大量企業流程資訊化的背景之下,隨之而來的是系統開發的需求, 如何在如此大量的需求之下進行有效率的開發變成一個重要的課題。 以往的系統開發,由於開發工具的限制,往往所有的功能都必須由工程師自行開發。除了系統的開發,開發環境的架設以及後續機器的維護,也會耗費大量的時間及成本。如今,隨著開發工具的日益成熟,伴隨著許多雲端平台與開發框架的出現,系統的開發型態,已不再是開發人員必須從基底開始整套系統的開發,而是以雲端平台與開發框架為基底進行開發。 本研究的重點是探討當今雲端平台與開發框架的發展,並將系統透過分析、設計,進一步針對各項功能,使用相對應之開發工具,以達到高效率之開發。本研究將以開發線上題庫系統為實例,透過分析將整體流程區分為三個階段,針對三個階段分別使用Google Site、.NET MVC與Moodle建置系統,並在三個系統之間建立資料轉換介面,使得資料可在三個系統間傳遞。為了降低使用者對於多帳號管理的負擔,使用Google OAuth單一登入技術,以達到系統間帳號之整合。 在本研究中所建立之線上題庫系統已正式上線,提供給五個科目使用,分別為計算機概論、一般英文、基礎護理學、觀光餐旅概論、初級會計學。其中計算機概論與基礎護理學分別於4月中與5月底各進行一次會考,並且計算機概論實行線上測驗及紙本測驗,基礎護理學執行紙本測驗。

  • 學位論文

傳統LLC諧振轉換器多為前端具PFC之交流-直流轉換器串接LLC直流-直流轉換器,本論文是使用單只數位訊號處理器實現具前端PFC之LLC諧振轉換器。經由一只數位訊號處理器產生固定50%責任週期之互補驅動信號,推動LLC諧振轉換器前端半橋電路之功率晶體(金氧半場效電晶體),使變壓器初級側激磁電感、漏電感與諧振電容產生諧振,並以動態升壓之方式調變頻率提供負載變動需求。 為建立完整分析與設計環境,本論文以IsSpice建構模擬環境,以進行電路特性分析與設計。最後以一只數位訊號處理器TMS320F28035作為控制核心,建構輸入電壓為AC 110V/220V,輸出為12V/25A之具PFC雙級LLC諧振轉換器,以驗證所研製轉換器之有效性與設計規格相符。

  • 學位論文

本論文主要研製一數位控制之無橋交錯式功率因數修正器,其主要目的在於提高轉換效率與功率因數修正,並且以訊號相差180度的交錯方式控制兩相開關訊號,以減少電流漣波及元件應力。此外,本文建議兩種切換技術應用於本架構上以改善效率,改良型PWM控制可提升整體效率;模式切換可改善輕載時效率。 本文利用德州儀器公司所生產的數位信號處理TMS320F28035為控制平台,驗證數位控制之無橋交錯式功率因數修正器在實作或設計分析上是否正確。本文所研製之轉換器的規格為輸入交流電壓220V,輸出直流電壓395V,總額定功率600W,切換頻率為65kHz。由模擬與實驗結果證實,滿載下,最高效率可達97%以上,且可達到功率因數修正。由以上結果驗證設計與實驗的正確性。

  • 學位論文

We are on the verge of data explosion and there is an imminent need that some extensive measures should be taken to manage that gigantic bulk of data. One of the emerging and relying fields working on this problem is data mining. This thesis also serves the same purpose and introduces a novel technique to handle the data. First part of the thesis shows an existing technique being applied on large data and the later part proposes a novel technique. To show the authenticity of the proposed technique it is implemented on different types of data, compared with already renowned algorithm and in the end association rules are derived providing cross comparisons. Following the first part; depression is one of the emerging fatal diseases on world’s health care radar. This draft applies the data mining techniques such as association analysis and FP tree used altogether on depression database. The results from the analysis state the most common symptoms of depressed patients as well as provide an advantage of time and effort saving. In the later part a novel algorithm is proposed which imitates the concept of herding, i.e., dolphins catching their prey. This technique is a nature inspired method and introduces a new concept to cluster the data. It is an intelligent technique as all the data points are considered for every possible solution providing clustering and ideal centroids in a short time. This work presents the functioning of the algorithm on two different types of data sets that are artificially generated data sets and real medical data sets. It is believed that different results from various types of data can provide better diversity in results and also shows the validity of proposed algorithm. The results of the proposed algorithm are then compared with well-known fuzzy c-means (FCM) in terms of clusters formed presenting number of data items in each cluster, CPU processing time, simplicity and coverage and hence it has proved to be better than previous algorithm. After comparing it with the existing technique, association rules are derived from the unhandled raw data and the clustered data, i.e., before and after clustering the data. By doing so it will help us see the difference among results and also identify what new has been deduced in the results. Apart from comparison in data before and after clustering the same technique is applied on clusters formed to examine the bonding between inter clusters and intra clusters and it is likely to say that it fulfills the principle of clustering. The novel technique is manipulated and used every way so that no reservations are left to prove its efficiency and performance.

  • 學位論文

本論文係研製用於多串LED背光之電流平衡驅動系統,前級採用昇壓型功率因數修正轉換器,設計工作於臨界導通模式,具有高功率因數與柔性切換的效果,後級採用半橋諧振轉換器與一組昇壓型轉換器組合,實現驅動多串LED背光之電流平衡驅動系統。 半橋諧振轉換器具有一次側功率開關零電壓切換導通與二次側輸出整流二極體零電流切換截止的特性,藉由變壓器二次側多組繞組連接到各LED燈串,再利用一組昇壓型LED驅動器回授控制,以達到多串LED電流平衡的效果。 本論文所提之電路架構除了可兼具功率因數校正與LED電流平衡的功能,並與傳統主動模式平衡電路比較簡化之電路架構。最後以LED背光規格為3燈串、210V、260mA、輸入交流電壓90V~264V為設計規格,實驗結果驗證此LED背光驅動系統可以滿足設計要求,整體電源效率達86%、功率因數達0.97以上。

  • 學位論文


  • 學位論文

本篇論文主要是研製一高效率之電源供應器。此電源供應器之結構包含電磁干擾濾波器,可以有效減少系統端雜訊所導致的電磁干擾問題。使用準諧振返馳式轉換電路,並搭配同步整流技術,使二次側功率損耗明顯降低,提高整體轉換效率,並針對不同負載下效率提升方法說明。 最後,本論文以輸入交流90 V~132 V、輸出直流電壓5V、輸出功率12 W等為所提之高效率低待機損耗之電源供應器規格,實際完成並測試驗證效率大於90 %,確實可符合現今所有能源法規及能源之星規範的要求。