
應用英語期刊/Journal of Applied English



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The integration of technological instruments into education is no longer an innovative approach nowadays. In many contexts, the use of mobile devices to reinforce learning and teaching activities has become a vital part of both formal and informal processes. However, the impact of digital devices on learning still remains a discussion. Consequently, this study aims to investigate 1.) the attitudes of high school students toward electronic device use on English learning and 2.) the influence of learning devices on elevating learner autonomy. The current study suggests that English learners in high school may benefit from utilizing electronic devices; for example, learner autonomy would be maximized through clear direction and screen time management. In order to explore the possibilities of motivational factors in a Taiwanese context for English learners, this research study can serve as a comprehensive approach that addresses the gap in educational studies. The results from the current work indicated that English learners in high school may develop increased learning motivation when allowed to utilize electronic screen devices under guidance and appropriate time control. This finding supports prior research on the promotion of motivation through mobile devices in foreign language classes.

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English is considered the most irreplaceable lingua franca in the world. A total of 55 countries uses English as a second official language, and many programs have made English instruction a mandatory part of national education. In order to promote globalization and increase the competitiveness of citizens, many governments strive to improve citizens' English abilities. In 2018, Taiwan's Executive Yuan launched the 2030 Bilingual National Policy Development Blueprint with the aim of making Taiwan a bilingual country. This study investigated the attitudes of English teachers in classrooms when interacting with students and creating opportunities for students to interact with others in English and the teachers' willingness to communicate (WTC) in everyday situations using English. The study also investigated the relationship between teachers' attitudes toward classroom interaction and their willingness to communicate in English and to compare attitudes toward L2 classroom interaction and WTC of teachers in low- and high-population density areas. A total of 215 English teachers from different administrative districts in Taoyuan City participated in this study. Results showed that teachers' attitudes towards using English in interactive teaching and teachers' L2 willingness to communicate were significantly positive. Also, teachers' attitudes towards using English in teaching and their L2 willingness to communicate were positively correlated. Finally, the results showed there was no significant difference between teachers from low- and high-population areas in attitudes toward L2 classroom interaction and L2 WTC. These results have important implications for English education and policy makers in Taiwan.

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This study aims to investigate service-learning outcome of university English majors in Taiwan. The participants include 38 students who participated in the service-learning program at a university in Taiwan. The Chinese version of the Common Outcome Measurement Questionnaire (COM) was applied to collect data for the study. It is found that service-learning students reported the highest service-learning outcome in the domain of general knowledge application, followed by team skills and intercultural competence; and their lowest service-learning outcome is in the domain of communication skills, followed by problem-solving skills, and self-understanding/confidence. Relationships between service-learning outcome and students' gender, position (leaders/members), and their service-learning experience were also reported. Based on the findings, practical recommendations are discussed at the end of this paper.