
中華民國營養學會雜誌/Journal of the Chinese Nutrition Society

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The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in pubertal development, body composition, and nutritional and antioxidative statuses between adolescent gymnasts and non-athletes. Twenty-one male (16.1-year-old) and 23 female (15.5-year-old) gymnasts participated in this study, and 22 male and 25 female non-athletes were used as controls. Male and female gymnasts had been intensively training for 8.2 and 7.4 years, respectively. Pubertal development was delayed in the female gymnast group. Among female gymnasts, 30.4% experienced delayed menarche, and 50% of pubertal gymnasts had menstrual irregularities. Gymnasts were significantly shorter and leaner, and had less body fat than the controls (p < 0.05). In addition, gymnasts had significantly lower plasma vitamin C, glutathione. And total antioxidant levels than did the controls (p < 0.05). In conclusion, female gymnasts had a higher incidence of menstrual disorders. All gymnasts were shorter and leaner, and also had a different dietary status, lower iron, antioxidant levels than did the controls.

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肥胖之盛行率在全世界各國都有增加的現象,根據我國所做的第三次全國營養調查中,發現台灣有四分之一的成年人體重過重或肥胖,且肥胖與許多疾病有密切的關係,減重已成為目前非常重要的課題。商業配方減重代餐的使用亦是減重的方法之一。本研究利用蛋白質效率比(protein efficiency ratio,簡稱PER)的方法,來進行商業配方減重代餐之評估。本實驗使用雄性大白鼠,餵食兩種不同口味之商業配方減重代餐,每日餵食15克(蛋白質約佔35%),觀察其飼料攝取量,並每週測量體重以觀察其生長狀況,實驗期為四週。實驗結果發現,餵食減重代餐的大白鼠體重增加量較對照組緩慢,但大鼠的生長情形並未完全停頓。另外,經由體重變化和蛋白質攝取量計算蛋白質效率得到,香草口味減重代餐之蛋白質效率為0.51,蔬菜口味減重代餐之蛋白質效率為0.72。

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當病人禁食或接受全靜脈營養超過3-5天後,經常會導致腸道黏膜上的微絨毛長度減少及腸黏膜萎縮等現象發生,而病人的消化和吸收功能也隨之降低,因此手術後長期禁食或由全靜脈營養轉換至腸道營養的病人,建議以元素配方或預解配方為初期腸道配方。本研究是將40位胃腸手術後的病人隨機分配為兩組,使用兩種不同成份的腸道配方。一組是預解配方組-使用Nu-pep,其氮來源為100%胜?,其成份為蛋白質20%,碳水化合物65%,油脂15%(含一半的中鏈脂肪酸),滲透壓395mOsm/kgH2O。另一組為元素配方組-使用Vivonex-plus,其氮來源為100%游離胺基酸,其成份為蛋白質18%,碳水化合物76%,油脂6%,滲透壓650 mOsm/kgH2O。在腸道營養使用初期,Nu-pep採全濃度配方,而Vivonex-plus為半濃度配方,初期灌食速率二者均為25mL/hr,然後逐漸增加,大約需4-5天,可達病人每日的營養需要量。經分析二組之結果後,發現元素配方組發生腸道不耐症及血糖不耐症的比率較高,其中原本患有糖尿病的病人此現象更為明顯。而兩組在其他營養指標上,例如血液生化值中之白蛋白、前白蛋白及運鐵蛋白等數值相似,且均維持在正常範圍。由上述結果顯示,消化道手術後病患在全靜脈營養轉換至腸道營養初期,使用胜?為主的預解配方比胺基酸為主的元素配方有較好的腸道耐受度,其可能原因是源自碳水化合物含量的差異(65%:76%)及滲透壓的不同(395:650mOsm/kgH2O),因此,對於重症病人而言,血糖控制與胃腸耐受度是決定營養支持是否合適的重要指標。

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With changes in medical policies in Taiwan, the demand of subjects for home care is rapidly increasing. However, this population is at risk of malnutrition because of limited medical care available outside hospitals. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore and identify the adaptability of training courses for dietitians who administer home-care nutritional services. Those licensed dietitians who were willing to become involved in home-care practice were recruited. After 20 hours of training, they began to take their homecare internship. Totally 80 dietitians completed the entire training course. Data collected included evaluations of course satisfaction and a home-care knowledge questionnaire of trained dietitians, and the nutritional status of home-care individuals such as serum albumin and cholesterol levels before and after service intervention. Results significantly differed as to the average mistaken knowledge about home-care (13.4 ± 3.6 vs. 8.5 ± 3.2 poin1s, p < 0. 001), and as to the service skills of home-care using a self-administrated questionnaire of trained dietitians (p<0.001). Among trained dietitians, 97.4% thought that the course was helpful, and among them, 59.9 % thought it was very helpful. Serum albumin and cholesterol of home-care individuals rose from 3.1 ± 0.6 gm/dL, 139 ± 32 mg/dL to 3.4 ± 0.5 gm/dL, 153 ± 34 mg/dL, respectively, which were both statistically significant (p< 0.01). Both the responses of the trained dietitians and the nutritional indicators of the home-care individuals showed that training courses are important and effective. Therefore the development of professional training courses and the recognition of licensed home-care professionals for the practice of long-term care and the quality of home-care service should be taken into consideration in health policy.

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鐵調節蛋白(iron regulatory proteins 1 and 2, IRPs)藉由與特定mRNA上的IRE(iron responsive element)結合,影響某些蛋白質的表現,例如:鐵蛋白、運鐵蛋白受體及粒線體aconitase等,進而調節鐵的貯存、獲取及利用,維持細胞鐵的恆定。細胞培養實驗顯示加鐵會使IRP1插入鐵硫聚集轉變為細胞質aconitase,失去與IRE結合的能力,但是不會改變IRP1蛋白質的量。另一方面,鐵會加速IRP2蛋白質的降解作用,進而降低其與IRE結合的量。本實驗的目的乃是探討餵飼高鐵飼料對大鼠肝臟IRPs活性的影響,並觀察鐵蛋白的表現是否受IRPs/IRE系統調控。十二隻離乳SD品系雄鼠,隨機分為二組,分別餵予正常(37mg/kg Fe)及高鐵(2.5% carbonyl iron;25,000 mg/kg Fe)飼料8週,犧牲取樣進行分析。結果發現,高鐵餵飼會使得大鼠肝臟堆積大量的鐵,IRPs的自發性IRE結合活性顯著降低,鐵蛋白表現增加,符合目前已知的調控機制。

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本實驗目的在探討市售綠茶飲品對倉鼠體內脂質代謝的影響。實驗分為五組,每組12隻。第一組高脂肪高膽固醇控制組(油脂:12%;膽固醇:0.5%)、第二組為低劑量綠茶組(高脂肪高膽固醇飼料中添加1.8%綠茶凍乾粉末)、第三組為中劑量綠茶組(高脂肪高膽固醇飼料中添加3.6%綠茶凍乾粉末)、第四組為高劑量綠茶組(高脂肪高膽固醇飼料中添加7.2%綠茶凍乾粉末)、第五組為正控制組(高脂肪高膽固醇飼料中添加1% probucol)。實驗週期四週,四週後犧牲收集動物血液、肝臟及糞便分析脂質狀況。結果顯示,中劑量及高劑量市售綠茶凍乾粉末具降低倉鼠血清三酸甘油酯、極低密度脂蛋白加中密度脂蛋白之膽固醇、低密度脂蛋白膽固醇、肝臟膽固醇及氧化壓力,並增加低密度脂蛋白氧化遲滯時間之效果。推論於高膽固醇餵飼倉鼠模式中,添加中高劑量之綠茶凍乾粉具降血脂及體內氧化壓力之能力。