
2019亞洲基礎造形聯合學會台中大會論文集/2019 International Conference, Asia Society of Basic Design and Art. Taichung



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Before the 20^(th) century, a museum curator had been in charge of museum programs because exhibits are the most important element of the museum. In the beginning of the 20^(th) century, the center of museum operation has changed from exhibits to offering information, educational resources, and programs. Consequently, museum personnel previously centered on the curator has changed significantly. The position of curator has broken down into archeology, history, art, architecture, and craft, and replaced by other personnel in charge of diverse specialized fields, such as education, preservation, design (exhibition, publication), photography, digital, facility management, etc. Previously, the curator set the topic and classified and presented the exhibits for the interests and attractions for visitors. Therefore, other exhibition media and designs other than the artworks and exhibits were presented in the minimal form as assistants. Due to the social changes and growing demand of visitors, the concept of exhibition gradually changed. The emergence of the designer in the museum brought significant changes to museum exhibition. As traditional museum exhibition was mostly in a linear form centered on a topic, the museum designer plans and designs the space according to that topic. Other than this, they attempt various designs to magnify the artistry, plasticity, and original meaning of the exhibits. This study characterizes the concept of planning for exhibition space, exhibition design planning, design techniques, color scheme, and lighting scheme with case studies.

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This paper discuses the Practices and Improvement of Educational methods for Basic Design and Art. "Educational methods for Basic Design and Art" is the education technique which applied "the design method by constructing Element of Art" to spiral curriculum. "the design method by constructing Element of Art" is a way of making compositions by trial and error using a combination of various colors, forms, compositions and textures which are called a "Four major Element of art" and "Lessor Element of art". Art Education which these Educational methods were used for, is done in the class from the simple Elements of Art, and the curriculum of the class develops a complex plastic art from Elements of Art systematically. There are 16 subjects in Educational methods for Basic Design and Art. Among Educational methods, the subjects of metamorphosis from tiling repeat is difficult to making Art works because the high quality and quantity of Elements of Art. The failed tendency was indicated by an analysis of Art works by students. The failed tendency is as follows. ①The case that isn't the isomorphic unit,②The case which has a gap in space and doesn't fill,③The case where the abstract form of beginning and the figurative end of end are greatly different,,④The case in which Art works doesn't have the appropriate number of unit for metamorphosis,⑤The case by which a metamorphosis isn't one-way. So, in this paper, I tried to improve such a problem.

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近年來國內外各家線上影音串流平台(OTT TV: Over The Top Television)蓬勃發展,逐漸開始注重以使用者為中心之概念,提供一個良好的使用感受與順暢的使用體驗便顯得相當重要。本研究以半結構式訪談探討使用者在LINE TV應用程式找尋戲劇過程中的使用感受、使用問題以及吸引觀看戲劇的選擇因素、觸發點擊戲劇的功能,以口語資料進行分析歸納。本研究主要發現:(1)LINE TV以白色襯底的介面顏色,在感受上簡潔清爽,首頁按鈕的圖標設計直覺易懂、清楚不易迷失方向。(2)使用者不信任首頁「頂端廣告版」版面內的所推薦之戲劇,失去該區的功用;首頁中七個「戲劇分類推薦」的版面設計一致性過高,讓使用者對相同視覺失去耐心,未能在此選擇戲劇;而按鈕「換一批片單」的文字語意表達不明確;過於主觀的文案使得用戶在查看該項目時產生疑惑及負面評價;戲劇分類缺少以「劇情類別」分類的選項。(3)海報美感與題材為吸引因素,但評價高低則為驅動點擊要素。(4)「上次觀看」功能是觸發使用者點擊戲劇的原因。

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Apple公司於2013年宣告iBeacon裝置後,使得Beacon技術蔚為風潮,形成在室內定位應用上之一種新選擇,Beaco具有低價位、低能量消耗、容易實施的優點。本研究提出不同互動模式的構想,並分析相關文獻與案例,提出本研究作品的設計原則。根據設計原則,本研究設計並實作運用Beacon技術於互動科技之作品「Full of Colors」,其中包含使用者為接收端的遊戲「You Make My Life」與使用者為推播端的遊戲「I Make Your World」。在作品完成後進行公開展示,並在展示期間以問卷調查法蒐集相關回饋。作品經公開展示蒐集相關意見與回饋後,得出以下結論,分別是(1)運用Beacon技術於互動裝置的體驗感受是正向的,(2)Beacon的互動模式是新穎的、激發思考的。

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