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  • 會議論文


  • 會議論文

本文將以兩級離心冷媒壓縮機之開發為例,說明在設計階段,須考量高轉速設備之動態特性,因此,應用轉子動態分析軟體DyRoBeS,計算壓縮機轉軸系統的臨界轉速(critical speeds)。同時,在冰水機實際運轉測試之前,透過非接觸式位移計,量測轉軸轉動時的偏擺量(Run-out),其結果可供生產裝配之參考,檢視各組件之組裝間隙、公差配合是否適當。最後,從實際量測的轉軸振動位移頻譜,與壓縮機預測的臨界轉速值比較,結果顯示,頻譜圖中的共振丘頻率與分析結果兩者相差約1.3 %。

  • 會議論文

紡織產業為台灣貿易順差貢獻了60幾個年頭,時至今日仍維持在產業類別出口貢獻度前10名,然而面對未來競爭產業需要升級,以順利銜接下一個工業世代,其中設備智慧化至關重要。本報告針對圓編針織機中的織造系統智慧化做前期準備特別是對於運動狀態下的織造訊號擷取,利用統計手法對時域訊號做平均數(mean)、標準差(Standard Deviation)、偏態(Skewness)及峰度(Kurtosis)的特徵淬取,並透過離散傅立葉(DFT)進行頻域特徵的轉化,經實驗組與對照組的特徵數值比對,發現織造系統於中低轉速下,織針運動的頻域基頻有高達3到7倍的強弱差異,其次是中低轉速時的時域偏態特徵為1.7倍。本報告經綜合效率與後續量產硬體成本考量,建議未來織造系統智慧化時,選用即時的時域統計量與DFT為主要訊號因子,將更能貼近織造系統磨耗程度之預測與判別。

  • 會議論文

The present paper is to investigate the characteristics graded phononic crystals with smart material. The acoustic waveguide characteristic of the graded phononic crystals is utilized to design some novel acoustic devices by combining system with graded phononic crystals structure. The graded phononic crystal is composed of circular cylindrical with air background in this proposal. The effective refractive index can be tuned by adjusting the filling ratio because that periodic structure behaves like a homogeneous medium, since dispersion relation is almost linear in long wavelength limit assumption. The plane wave expansion method is used to calculate the band structures of the graded phononic crystal and obtain the effective refractive index of the graded phononic crystal with various filling rations. The graded phononic crystal with smart materials can be used to design more effective acoustic waveguide devices and it also can be applied to investigate other types of graded phononic crystal devices with various smart materials in future studied based on the numerical and experimental results of this proposal.

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  • 會議論文

建置環形實驗場所的噪音危害暴露評估,將有助於該作業場所研究人員,避免因噪音暴露而導致聽力損失之職業傷害發生,並依分析評估結果做為改善噪音環境的依據。環形建築物周長120公尺,由環形中心截面切出24座的實驗站,每一個實驗站皆有不同的噪音來源(幫浦、冷卻系統、電腦伺服器等),使用噪音計(SL-4023SD量測)初步以距離噪音源1公尺高度120公分,量測場所內的各噪音源分佈位置與噪音量,然後再利用噪音頻譜分析儀器(SVAN 971),針對主要明顯噪音源,找出各實驗站噪音源特性,分析噪音頻率高低以評估改善方式。依初步量測結果,發掘各實驗站主要噪音源為幫浦所產生,使用1/1八音幅頻帶、1/3八音幅頻帶,以距離噪音源15cm內量測噪音1~2分鐘的頻率與音量大小。由量測結果顯示,因實驗場所中的幫浦種類不多,頻率都屬於低於1000Hz的低頻噪音(20Hz~2000Hz),整個環形環境有80台,平均約在67~78分貝,但是多台幫浦同時運轉,會產生累加性的噪音量超過80分貝,因此評估可從大量且產生低頻噪音源幫浦,進行改善為首要減噪的目標。找出各種噪音源的頻率分佈後,尋找適合該頻率之遮音材質,例如低頻噪音源幫浦因波長較長,使用密度較高硬性的隔音棉,並且可依據不同低頻率減噪的效果,採用不同厚度的隔音棉,而高頻噪音源波長較短,使用波浪型隔音棉即具有改善效果,可用最佳化與成本考量將噪音源降低至60分貝以下,營造一個可專心研究的環境。

  • 會議論文

本文提出一個多通道反濾波原理(multiple-input/output inverse theorem, MINT)應用於前饋架構下的主動式消噪控制,在傳統方法,自適應性演算法例如filtered-x least-mean-square(FXLMS)廣泛的被用來處理這項問題,為了確保在實作上的可行性,我們透過模擬的方式將MINT方法與FXLMS演算法做比較,結果可以觀察到MINT方法比起FXLMS演算法的降噪能力還要好。

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Regarding the treatment for the fictitious frequency as well as spurious resonance in using the indirect boundary element method (BEM) and the method of fundamental solutions (MFS), we propose an alternative approach in this paper. The present approach is different from the mixed potential approach in the indirect method as well as the Burton and Miller approach in the direct BEM. In the proposed approach, we add some fundamental solutions with unknown source strength in the representation of the field to complete the base of solution space. From the viewpoint of adding source, the present idea is similar to the combined Helmholtz interior integral equation formulation (CHIEF) method in the direct BEM. The difference between the added source points and the null-field point of CHIEF method is their role. The added source points supply the deficient base due to the fictitious frequency while the null-field point of CHIEF provides the extra constraint equations. Therefore, we examine the CHIEF constraint by employing the self-regularization technique for the influence matrix in the direct BEM. Based on this idea, the constraint equation in the present approach may be found by adding the right unitary vectors of zero singular value. Then, a square bordered matrix is obtained. The bordered matrix is invertible for the fictitious frequency if the extra source points do not locate at the failure position. This is the reason why the property is analogous to the idea of the CHIEF method in the direct BEM. Therefore, the proposed approach can fill in the gap that there is no CHIEF method in the indirect BEM and the MFS. Since the proposed approach only need using the single-layer potential, it has an advantage over the existing formulations. To demonstrate the validity of the present idea, the problem of an infinite plane containing a circular radiator or scatter is considered. In the real implementation, all fictitious frequencies in the certain range of the wavenumber are found first by the direct searching algorithm. Four cases with different boundary conditions and fictitious frequencies are considered. Finally, we also analytically derive the locations of possible failure source points by using the degenerate kernel.

  • 會議論文

本文主要針對1.5 GHz雙腔型共振腔體在雙線性曲線之材料模型下進行彈塑性調頻分析歷程對於結構振動頻率之影響。本文運用商用軟體ANSYS建立全模型,探討先拉伸後壓縮之彈塑性調頻歷程、先壓縮後拉伸之反向調頻歷程與拉伸或壓縮至最大位移量値下,各個狀態對於模態頻率之影響,並討論其振型順序;由結果得知其第一模態頻率遠高於步進馬達之工作頻率,在正向調頻歷程後前六模態因軸向永久變形量為負値,故結構頻率皆略為下降,而反向調頻軸向之永久變形量為正,故結構頻率上升;而受軸向拉伸或壓縮至最大位移量値時,因塑性行為之影響,改變材料之楊氏模數,故兩者結構頻率皆為下降。