
教練科學/Coaching Science

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挺舉(clean and Jerk)走舉重比賽最後進行的項目,由於它握槓握距比抓舉窄,所以舉得比抓舉重,對舉重總成績有很大的影響。過去的研究發現,挺舉的失敗次數中以上挺(jerk)失敗所占的比例較大,因此本研究以舉重基層訓練站兩名青年選手及兩名國家級優秀選手,參加九+二年全國青年杯暨國手選拔賽之挺舉上挺動作進行分析。本研究使用一台60 Hz高速攝影機(JVC Dv19800u),架設於舉重台右方距離選手7.3公尺處拍攝動作,並以APAS分析選手矢狀面上的運動學參數。由分析結果,青年選手在預蹲期髖膝關節較晚做減速,結果上挺發力期髖膝角最大伸展速度過大,造成衛杠過高,加上下蹲到級低點轉為上挺發力時,髖關節先行伸展,但勝關節卻仍做彎屈的動作,髖膝關節並未同時伸展,以致槓鈴產生較大的向前偏移,因而增加後續接槓的困難度。本研究雖僅以一次成功試舉的結果,來比較分析優秀選手與青年選手上挺動作技街的差異,但由分析比較的結果,仍舊可看出優秀與青年選手在某些髖勝關節運動參數表現的差異。本研究的方法可以作為分析舉重選手實際比賽情況時,上挺動作技術分析之參考。

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The purpose of this research was to explore the yearly performances of the domestic hurdlers, and compare their performances with those of the hurdlers from the nearby Japan so as to have a further understanding of the differences in the performances of the hurdlers from Taiwan and Japan. The performances of the top 10 male/female hurdlers in Taiwan from 1995 to 2003 as well as those of the top 10 hurdlers from Japan in 2002 and 2003 were taken as the research subjects. Through descriptive analysis and one-way ANOVA and discussion, the following conclusions are obtained: 1. Standard: Male 110 Mh-2002 14.63 seconds, 2004 14.80 seconds; 400 mH-2002 53.36 seconds, 2003 53.37 seconds; female 100 mH 2002 14.84 seconds, 400 m 2002 64.54 seconds, 2003 62.98 seconds. 2. ANOVA analysis and posteriori comparisons: (1)For the comparison between various years of our country, the difference is not significant (P>.05). (2)Comparing between the ten outstanding players of various years of our country and Japan, for the 110 mH, in 2002 and 2003, the results of the ten outstanding players in Japan are all better than our country and the difference is significant (P<.05). For male 400 mH, in 2002 and 2003, the results of the ten outstanding players of Japan are all better than our country and the difference is significant (P<.05). (3)For female 100 mH, in 2002 and 2003, the results of the ten outstanding players are all better than our country and the difference is significant (P<.05). For female 400mH, in 2002, the ten outstanding players of Japan are better than the ten outstanding players of our country and the difference is significant (P<.05), The ten outstanding players of Japan in 2003 arc better than the ten outstanding players of our country in 1997, 2002 and 2003 and the difference is significant (P<.05). From this research, it can be seen that regardless of whether it is the standard or present condition, the male and female hurdle sport result of our country is not ideal including comparison with the ten outstanding players of this year of nearby Japan and the comparison with the World Cup Tournament standard etc. and there is quite a difference. In view of this, it is suggested that the domestic hurdle coach and players should seek for improvement from the factor of affecting the hurdle result and then establish their training goals. As much as possible, they should base on the result of the first ten outstanding players of Japan as the standard. Do not just set up the goal just to seek for medals in the country and thereby ignore that the result standard cannot catch up with the tide.

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本研究主要目的在探討我國撐竿跳高選手持竿助跑與起跳動作之運動學比較分析。研究對象是以兩位優秀撐竿跳高選手的持竿助跑及起跳階段動作,進行最佳成績運動學分析。經研究分析的結果得到以下結論: 一、從重心軌跡的曲線圖可以發現A選手的起伏比B選手來得大,這個速度慢、起伏大即是影響最後助跑的水平速度與起跳插穴動作的連貫性與凖確性。 二、國內優秀撐竿跳高選手的水平速度6.29公尺/秒較之世界一流選手7.70~9.00公尺/秒為慢。因此,如能增強水平速度必能提昇國內撐竿跳高的成績表現。 三、國內優秀撐竿跳高選手之起跳角度平均為18.91度與世界一流選手的14-24.5度有相同之處,對於起跳角度達到一流水凖是值得給予肯定的;若加強選手的起跳速度與起跳復垂直速度便能突破停滯已久的成績。

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推刃步幅和推刃步頻是構成溜冰速度的兩大重要因素。本研究是以2003年全國中正盃競速溜冰錦賽男子300公尺時賽項目參賽選手為對象,主要目的在於探討男子競速溜冰300公尺計時賽項目推刃幅步與推刃頻對比賽成績的影響,提供給教練選手作為訓練之參考,研究結果如下: (一)、優秀組選手所用的總步數較一般組選手少。 (二)、優秀組選手在直道所用的總步數較一般組的選手少。 (三)、優秀組選手的平均步幅大於大於一般組選手。 (四)、優秀組選手的平均步頻與一般組選手無差異。 (五)、影響男子300公尺計時賽成績的重要因素在於推刃步幅。 最後,本研究亦根據研究結果,提出具體建議,以提供教練選手及未來研究參考。

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在现今男子體操槓项目规则中,Morisue為具D级難度的第一類加分技巧性動作,其勤作结構主要由空翻兩周至掛臂所组成。為求了解影響體操選手成功實施Morisue 的因素,我們使用拍攝速度為120H之數位攝影機,記錄參加中華汽車盃國際體操邀請賽三位選手實施Morisue動作的2-D影像,再以Kwon 3D軟體進行各項運動學參數的量化分析工作。研究結果顯示,體操選手應藉由增加身體肢段的角速度,以達到及時完成翻動作並降低雙槓對上臂造成衝擊力量之效果,而在Morisue動作上有較佳的表現。本研究的重要性是能夠了解Morisue動作的運動學特徵以作為教練及選手在進行動作訓練時的參考。

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本研究的目的在調查我國優秀青少年羽球選手之運動傷害的狀況並探討其運動傷害的原因及其處理方式。以參加九十二年全國中等學校運動會,羽球團體項目團體組,高中男、女生組、國中男、女生組,晉入前八強之羽球選手共278名選手為對象。本研究的結果發現: 一、我國優秀青少年羽球選手平均每週練習次數高達5至6次,每次練習時間平均達到3至4小時以上,每週總練習時間平均達到20至30小詩以上,熱身運動平均做5至20分鐘,均有做緩和運動的習慣。 二、我國優秀青少年羽球選手曾有羽球運動傷害的經驗百分比高達95.3%。其中以踝關節受傷比例最高,主要的原因是平時練習時熱身不足造成。 三、我國優秀青少年羽球選手在運動傷害的防護,主要是靠自己以護具或自行貼紮,其有關傷害防護的知識主要來自教練。 四、運動傷害發生時最先求助的人為教練。運動傷害後最常採取的治療方式主要以中醫治療,其次為復健專科診所。

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The purpose of the study was in determine the sports-specificity-related body composition and its association to insulin sensitivity. Twenty-seven elite judos and ten elite decathlon participated in this study. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and insulin response during OGTT was determined under an overnight fatted condition. Body composition wan also measured before the tests. We have found that Judas exhibited greater percent fat (18.5±1.6 vs 12.3±1.2%, P<.05) greater BMI (body mass index. 25.0±0.9 v.s. 20.9±0.6 kg/m^2, p<.05), and greater WHR (waist to hip ratio. 0.83±0.01 v.s. 0.74±0.01.P<.05). Beside judos have significant grouter in the 30 min point and glucose area under curve of OGTT than decathlon. The insulin response during OGTT wan significantly better in decathlons than in judos, as indicated by high obesity level. In conclusion, insulin sensitivity el the athletes appears to be related to sports specialty and body composition of the athletes.