  • 期刊


A Pilot Application of Telemedicine and Distance Learning for Weight-loss Program


目前國內醫療院所普遍開設減肥門診/體重控制班/運動減重班,而現行減重計畫,計畫參與者須在院方指定的時間到院,經由門診-飲食營養諮詢課程-有氧運動課程之系列性的行程實施配合,來執行此減重計畫;遠距醫療是藉助無時空限制的通信與資訊科技,來交換相隔兩地之病患的醫療臨床資料及專家意見,以克服空間及時間的障礙。本研究融合減重計畫中節食計畫、體能活動計劃以及行為療法之概念;應用遠距醫療的概念,以及遠距學習計劃的設計與實施,配合減重計畫的療程,希望能夠證明網路減重班的成效,並藉此了解設置網路減重班的架構及限制條件。幫助網路學習者甚或一般民眾達到控制體重的成效,進而維持健康的身體及生活。 系統之建置主要在於架設網路減重班相關之軟硬體,輔以百略醫學BMI22網站作為飲食及體能活動登錄之輔助工具;並透過學員社群形成心理支持。 實驗主要針對受測因子包含體重、身體質量指數(BMI)、體脂肪率、腰圍、臀圍等五項進行比較。在經過三個月的實驗期並蒐集相關之數據後,發現網路減重班的確能夠達到成效,而相關系統的設置均利用現行的資訊技術及視訊會議軟體,建置成本及技術門檻均屬相當普及的層次,有利於未來之改善及推展;進一步分析結果顯示實驗組與對照組在受測因子的部份,實驗組除了體脂肪、對照組除了臀圍外,其餘各數值都達到有意義的改變;而對照組減重效果大致優於實驗組。歸納結論,實驗組因為透過無空間、時間限制的網路,互動性比起對照組高;但缺乏醫院監督的效果,持續性較對照組低。


Most of the hospitals now have established weight-loss program helping people to overcome the problem of fatness. In current practice, patients who enrolled must go to hospital at a specific timeframe to join the program for review, diet consulting course, or exercise training. With the concept of telemedicine together with distance learning, it will be more convenient for patients to participate the programs without limitation of time and place, and ideally the attendees can be as many as possible so that more people can be beneficial from. In this study, we attempted to implement a system using current off-the shelf information technologies of software and hardware to set up a virtual classroom on the Internet for weight-loss program. The purpose of this study is to reveal that a weight-loss program through telemedicine and distance learning could be as effective as the current process which patients need to visit hospital periodically. Moreover it is expected to find out the limitation and improvement needed for setting up the Internet weight-loss program. Volunteers of this experiment were divided into two groups, virtual class and traditional class, without any baseline differences in body weight, BMI, the percentage of body fat, waist circumference, and hip circumference. After a 3-month weight-loss program, data had been collected to make comparison. The result showed that weight-loss program through virtual class was acceptable and effective; only the improvement was slower than the traditional class. Participants in virtual class had better interaction with the medical stuffs due to the features telemedicine and distance learning could bring, but they had less sustainability of enrollment because of lack of direct monitoring which was the key successful factor that made the traditional program work.


