  • 期刊


Poor Pneumatization of Squamomastoid Implies the Former Prevalence of Chronic Otitis Media


背景:鱗狀乳突部氣房發育不良與慢性中耳炎關係密切。本文特以腦部電腦斷層為題材,證實在不同時代下,兒童或青少年併發慢性中耳炎的盛行情況。方法:在2010年2011年間,共計12,493名(男6,547,女5,946)曾於北部某區域醫院接受腦部電腦斷層,年齡52.8±22.3(平均值 ± 標準差)歲。把軸狀切面設定為骨視窗(中心值350 HU,窗寬2,000 HU)進行判讀。結果:共計648名(男327,女321)納入本研究,年齡67.6 ± 14.8(平均值±標準差)歲。具氣房發育低下及無氣房發育者的比例會隨著年齡層降低而減少(X^2 test,p<.05),特別是20~29歲與30~39歲族群的發生率(0.48% vs 0.95%)明顯低於其他年齡層(40~49歲:3.11%,50~59歲:5.24%,60~69歲:7.93%,>70歲:8.69%)。結論:本文提供有力的證據,推論隨著時代的進步,兒童或青少年併發慢性中耳炎的機會逐漸降低,大幅降低爾後遺留於鱗狀乳突部氣房發育不良的比例。


BACKGROUND: Hypocellular squamomastoid is closely related with chronic otitis media. The epidemiologic study of otitis media in adult population is limited in theTaiwanese literature. We try to imply the prevalence of chronic otitis media in children and adolescents at different era from the patients who received brain computed tomography. METHODS: In 2010 and 2011, 12,493 persons, including 6,547 men and 5,946 women, had received brain computed tomography at a regional hospital in North Taiwan. They were averaged of aged 52.8 with SD of 22.3. We reviewed each axial section under bone window (WC 350, WW 2,000). RESULTS: Six hundred and forty-eight persons, including 327 men and 321 women, are enrolled. They are averaged of aged 67.6 with SD of 14.8. The ratios of hypocellular squamomastoid sufferers among those with brain computed tomography decrease as the age level become younger. The incidences are similar between the age level of 20- 29 and 30-39 (0.48% vs 0.95%), which are much less than those of the other age levels (40-49, 3.11%; 50-59, 5.24%; 60-69, 7.93%; and ≥ 70, 8.69%). CONCLUSIONS: We imply that the prevalence of chronic otitis media reduced in Taiwanese children and adolescents as the era progresses, and hence the incidence of the following hypocellular squamomastoid also significantly reduced.
