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Base Rates of WISC-III Diagnostic Subtest Patterns in Taiwan: Standardization, Learning Disabled and ADHD Samples Applied



個別化智力測驗的實施,除了評量兒童一般智力之外,另一項主要的功能便是幫助主試瞭解兒童在各分測驗認知能力上之強弱,以利後續教育診斷工作之推展。魏氏兒童量表第三版(WISC-III)是國內外心理教育界最常使用的個別化智力測驗之一,魏氏量表分測驗特殊組型的研究一直受到廣泛研究與討論,然而國內相關資料卻有限。本研究呈現WISC-III台灣常模樣本中全量表智商在70分以上的1,076位兒童在「ACID 組型」、「ACIDS 組型」、「POI/SCAD 差異分數」與「Bannatyne 組型」等重要WISC-III分測驗特殊組型之基本率(Base rated),並將45位兒障、22位注意力缺陷過動症(ADHD)兒童在這些特殊組型上呈現之出現率與較低智商一般兒童表現做初步比較。主要研究發現為:(1)國內常模所呈現之基本率與美國常模基本率一致,並無太大差異;(2)學障與ADHD兒童在「ACID組型」、「ACIDS 組型」、「POI/SCAD 差異分數」與「Bannatyne假設」上均呈現比一般兒童為高之出現率。本研究結果說明WISC-III分測驗特殊組型是值得教育與臨床實務工作者注意之有用訊息。然而應用時需瞭解其限制,否則很容進行不常之詮釋。文中針對本研究相關重要限制加以討論,並對未來研究方向提出具體建議。


There are two major purpose for administering individualized intelligence test: one is to know the general IQ for a child; the other is to examine the subtest profile. Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, the third edition (WISC-III) is one of the most frequently used individualized intelligence test in the world, researchers have been working constantly on investigating utility of special WISC- III subtest profiles. A total of 1,076 children from the Taiwan WISC-III standardization sample who have IQ equal or higher than 70 were selected to calculate the base rates for several well-known WISC-III subtest patterns, such as ‘ACID’,’ACIDS’、’POI/SCAD differences’, and‘Bannatyne combinations'. Besides, incidence of 45 LD, 22 ADHD, and 45 matched normal kids on these profiles were also analyzed. Major findings were: (1) WISC-III subtest profile base rates are similar between Taiwan and U.S.A. norm samples. (2) In Taiwan, the prevalence rates of those profiles in LD and ADHD samples were greater than rates reported from the control group normal kids. Cautious should be made when interpreting these results, limitations and suggestions were also discussed.


WISC-III Subtest Patterns Base Rates Taiwawn Norm LD ADHD


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