  • 期刊


A Study of the Elder Related Popular Chronic Disease with Cognition of Symptom Management in Taiwan


本研究目的為瞭解台灣中老年人症狀管理認知情形,並探討影響症狀管理認知之相關因素。資料採國民健康署「中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」,篩選50歲以上中老年人、可自答問卷者,共計5,116人。以中老年人對於高血壓、糖尿病與腎臟病三種中老年常見慢性疾病之相關預防行為、疾病認知與疾病照顧行為知識與態度作為測量變項,同時考慮樣本之特質、個人健康狀況、過去一年之就醫情形等變項與症狀管理認知之相關探討。結果顯示69.6%中老年人對於疾病認知瞭解不足,51.9%對於疾病預防瞭解程度較差,42.4%對於自我照顧知識瞭解程度較差。羅吉式迴歸發現,男性(p < .001)、年齡越高(p < .001)、居住地區在鄉農村(p < .001)、未受教育(p < .001)、無配偶(p < .05)、自覺健康越差(p < .01)、與過去一年相比之健康情形較差(p < .05)、罹病數量較少(p < .001)、日常身體活動功能困難(p < .05)、有憂鬱傾向(p < .001)、過去一年未到過醫院門診(p < .01)者,症狀管理認知程度較差。對於表現較差的高風險族群,建議相關單位應機強疾病預防、認知與自我照顧知識等衛生教育之介入,以期有效控制慢性病患者病情與降低醫療利用。


Purpose: To understand the knowledge of symptom management and the associated factors among older adults in Taiwan. Methods: This study used the 〞Survey of the Health and Living Status of the Middle-Aged and the Elderly in Taiwan〞 in 2003〞 which was constructed by Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health. Respondents who completed this survey by themselves were analyzed and it contained 5,116 older adults. Knowledge of symptom management included preventive behavior, disease cognition and knowledge of disease care and attitudes about common chronic diseases. Result: There were 69.6% cases being poor performance about knowledge of disease, 51.9% about prevention of disease and 42.4% about self care knowledge. Our results showed that after controlling for demographic characteristics, health status and medical utilization, the factors associated with poor symptom management were being male, over 65 years old, aboriginal, lived in rural area, uneducated, lower family income, with no spouse, poor perceived health, poor perceived health compared with last year, fewer chronic diseases, disabled, depressive tendency and have not been hospitalization last year. Conclusions and recommendations: Our result found out that if elder had lower socioeconomic status and poor health status, they would be the high risk population of poor knowledge of symptom management. With the rising aging population, we suggest that public health agencies should pay more attention about this group and process health education or integration to raise the knowledge of disease.
