  • 學位論文


Taiwan area senior citizen health examination behavior and discussion of the survival condition correlation factor

指導教授 : 董和銳


行為是人類內外在多方面影響所表現出來之行動,健康行為為目前世界各國所極力推行之衛生保健策略之一,且改進或保持良好的健康行為,其效益須一段時間才能知曉且不易測量,健康檢查為健康行為之一,而對於能尋求健康檢查者,是否表示較重視〝健康〞?結果也較為〝健康〞?本研究設定以〝存活狀況〞作為健康指標來評估其效益以及其他相關影響因素。 本研究利用國民健康局1989年所進行『台灣地區中老年身心社會狀況長期追蹤調查』,共計有4049位60歲以上老人樣本,以人口學變項、健康狀況變項、健康行為變項及心理社會經濟變項分析追蹤到2003年之存活狀態。 研究發現影響存活結果以健康狀況變項中:患慢性病數(OR:0.78)、IADL得分(OR:0.906)、ADL得分(OR:0.890)等項目。健康行為中的:從不抽菸,相較目前有抽菸習慣者OR值達2.077,以及良好飲食習慣OR值達1.206。除外經濟狀況對存活影響亦達統計上顯著意義(P<0.001)。而健康檢查行為對存活狀態有正向關係,但未達統計上顯著水準。


The behavior is inside and outside the humanity displays the motion in various influence, healthy behavior one of for present various countries institute vigorously of carrying out medical care strategies, and improves or maintains the good healthy behavior, its benefit must period of time be able to know, and is not easy to survey, health examination one of for healthy behaviors, but regarding can seek the healthy inspector, whether to express takes 〝the health〞? Result also 〝health〞? This research hypothesis〞 takes the health indicators by 〝the survival condition to appraise its benefit as well as other related influencing factor. This research used the National Health Council in 1989 to carry on 'Taiwan area middle and old age body and mind society condition long-term follow-up study', a total of 4049 elderly people aged over 60 samples , by the demography variable, the state of health variable, the healthy behavior variable and the psychology social economy variable analysis traced to survival condition 2003. The research discovers the influence survival result by the state of health variable: Contracts chronic illness several (OR:0.78), IADL to score points (OR:0.906), ADL to score points (OR:0.890) and so on projects. In healthy behavior: never smoked, compared with those who are currently smoking OR value to reach 2.077, as well as the good eating habits OR value reaches 1.206. Except for the survival of the impact of the economic situation has also reached statistically significant (P <0.001). Conduct health check-ups and survival status of the relationship between positive, but not statistically significant level.


5.韓良俊(1995) ,檳榔的健康危害,台北,健康文化事業股份有限公司。
6.李蘭、陸玓玲、李龍安、黃美維、潘怜燕、鄧肖玲,1995:台灣地區成人的健康行為探討:分佈情形、因素結構和相關因素。中華公共衛生雜誌,14(4) :358-367。
