  • 期刊

Muscular Activity of Trapezius at Different Exercise Positions



為確定斜方肌(trapezius muscle)最佳之運動姿勢,十五位健康受試者接受斜方肌之最大等長收縮之肌電圖活動度研究。測試時肌電圖電極分別放在第七頸椎與肩峰連線的中點及肩胛骨下綠來偵測上部斜方肌和下部斜方肌肌力。受試者在七種不同姿勢下做出最大等長收縮,七種姿勢包括上部斜方肌於俯臥姿勢下手臂水準外展60度,下部斜方肌於俯臥姿勢下手臂水準外展120度及肩關節於60度和120度之外展(abduction)、彎曲(flexion)和肩胛骨面彎曲(scaption)。十五位受試者所得數據經由統計學中單因數變異數分析得到如下結果:上部斜方肌於俯臥姿勢下手臂水準外展60度及下部斜方肌於俯臥姿勢下手臂水準外展l20度之活動度強於其他測試姿勢下之活動度,上部斜方肌於肩關節120度外展與肩胛骨面彎曲之活動度強於60度之肩關節彎曲,下部斜方肌於60度之肩關節彎曲活動度弱於其他測試運動姿勢。本實驗顯示上部斜方肌於俯臥姿勢下手臂水準外展60度及下部斜方肌於俯臥姿勢下手臂水準外展l20度是訓練斜方肌的適當方法。


肌電圖 斜方肌 運動


It is important to validate the traditional testing and exercise positions for trapezius based upon electromyographic data. Electromyographic (EMG) activity in the trapezius during maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVICs) was studied in fifteen healthy volunteers. Electrodes were placed in the upper and lower trapezius at the midway between the seventh cervical vertebrae (C7) and acromion and level of the inferior angle of scapula respectively. The subjects performed MVICs in 7 testing positions which included horizontal abduction with arm externally rotated and abducted to 60° and 120° in frontal plane (60° for upper trapezius and 120° for lower trapezius) in prone position, shoulder abduction, flexion, and scaption individually at the angle of 60 and 120 degrees in sitting position. After analyzing data statistically, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measurements showed significant difference among the 7 testing positions (P<.05) for upper and lower trapezius individually. MVICs in the horizontal abduction with arm externally rotated and abducted to 60° and 120° in frontal plane, in prone position produced the greatest activation of the upper and lower trapezius compared to the other positions and could be used clinically.


Electromyography Trapezius Exercise
